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Remote Codes for Monster Game Surround Sound
I recently set up my old Monster-PG-SSGS-500-Surround-Sound system up in my living room and I can't find the remote code for it. Monster isn't on the brand list, would it be under something else? I can't find it anywhere on google either.Thanks
DIRECTV Equipment
Monster Calibration Wizard DVD? Worth It or Not?
The Monster/ISF HDTV Calibration Wizard DVD has great sounding product speech, but has anyone gotten good results from it?Mike
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
My bill is not as I was told it would be
10 days ago I spoke to Hunter who was extremely helpful and told me I would receive a $70 discount every month for 12 months. At that time I also cancelled MLB extra innings and Hunter took away the mlb channel at that time. The bill I just received didn’t have the discount AND it also had my first
Must not be happy with HUNTER BIDENS laptop from (Edited per community guidelines) LOL
DIRECTV dropping OANN?
How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN? They do not lie! The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives! My husband and I will be
Holy cow, it worked!!! Okay now though can you fix it to where old series are not coming up as first run only? Lol because dog the bounty Hunter is trying to record as first run and we all know that’s been over for a long while. Thanks David!
If you review this forum you will see that a number of us have been experiencing the same issue/problem all starting around July 1 - series recordings that we have had set up suddenly stop recording, don't show up as scheduled to record and when attempt is made to reschedule the series (cancel exist
Thanks for the response. HOWEVER, I guess I'm not as quick mentally as I need to be. 🙂 Would you be so kind as to tell me where (link perhaps) I can find "remote central" (or did you mean "answer central")? I also looked for a "discrete hunter f
Hex codes for remote?
Long story short ... I have a Harmony 890 remote made by Logitech. It controls my Directv HD receiver/DVR, Sony Blu Ray player, Sony CD player, Yamaha home theater receiver, and Sony Bravia TV. The Harmony remote is fantastic in every way except one ... I cannot get it to allow me to produce a SLO
I use monster HDMI and all connections are tight.
Poor Picture Quality HD Channels
My HD picture quality is not so good at all. It's not much different that standard TV to me. I think something is wrong. Is there a fix for this? Streaming from my Apple TV and the PS4 just blows uVerse out of the water. I think something is wrong with my system or maybe I should upgarde the box. An
You FOX haters cant stand the truth. NYT finally admitted that hunter biden laptop was not Russian disinformation but the truth inspite of 50 or so partisian supposed intelligence experts . Us Fox news viewers knew it immediately. Feel sorry for you
How can i remove/block Fox News from my subscription?
FOX News and OAN are clearly anti-American. How can i remove/block them from my subscription?
Hi, I was just wondering why river monsters season 4 is not available on direct tv stream.. every other season is on here but not season 4. Thanks
I use for my cables. Friends don't let friends buy Monster cables.
Samsung smart TV only shows message "weak or no signal" after hooking up new DVR -
we requested and received a new DVR from AT&T for our uverse service. The old one lost all our recording and wasn't functining at all. Hooked up the new one with same coax and positioning of box and gateway - no changes. Now all we see when we turn on the TV is "weak or no signal" o
to the dr HNS1958. You're name calling and suggesting medication does nothing to add to what you say. Only makes your comments less valuable. I get you don't like OAN. That's ok. But I don't like the channels I assume you listen to such as cnn a sta
DIRECTV dropping OANN?
How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN? They do not lie! The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives! My husband and I will be
@cfosha "NYT finally admitted that hunter biden laptop was not Russian disinformation but the truth inspite of 50 or so partisian supposed intelligence experts ." Did you hear that the deputy director of the FBI stated that he doesn't know
How can i remove/block Fox News from my subscription?
FOX News and OAN are clearly anti-American. How can i remove/block them from my subscription?
I forgot to add we also have Monster cables that run from the TV into the VCR. Not sure if that matters or not.
No audio on any channel
We came home to a tv with no sound. It was working when we left, but not when we came home. No one but dogs home while we were gone. It works for watching movies off the DVD player, but the direct tv has no audio whatsover. We have done every reset we know how to do, unplug cords, change cords, and
Same issue here no Eastern conference NHL standings. Also under NASCAR they still have Monster series listed. It has been Nascar Cup Series for couple years now.
NHL Eastern Conference Standings under Scoreguide
It appears DIRECTV is not populating the NHL Eastern Conference standings in the Scoreguide app of the DIRECTV TV Apps. It is working for the NHL Western conference as well as Eastern and Western for NBA. The screen shows the message "No Standings Data Currently Available". Who do I con
While your fixing the NHL Eastern Standings. You might as well fix the Nascar name, it is no longer Monster series. It is now called Nascar Cup Series. Thanks
NHL Eastern Conference Standings under Scoreguide
It appears DIRECTV is not populating the NHL Eastern Conference standings in the Scoreguide app of the DIRECTV TV Apps. It is working for the NHL Western conference as well as Eastern and Western for NBA. The screen shows the message "No Standings Data Currently Available". Who do I con
I am using Monster 1000 series HDMI. I have tried my other HDMI and they do the same thing. I should not have to downgrade to component cables losing my digital feed.
So I have been having this problem where my HD DVR will not output a picture when I set the res to 720p or 108i. When I set it to a lower res I can get a picture but it will completely go black and then show a picture again every minute or so. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? I have never had any
@catskills Google “California Bible Ban” and ignore fake left “fact checks”. DuckDuckGo May yield better results. Jankowicz Is a political operative with a Far left agenda for sure. She criticized Trump in 2016 for suppressing Black Voters,
Dropping channels from a bundle
Is the any way to drop channels from a DirecTV Stream bundle? Specifically, OAN. It is a problem for me to support an organization that routinely presents lies and untruths.
Thank you, yes I do understand. Just trying to use my new TV right now till I have to spend BIG bucks to get those monster trees cut from my line of site. May end up switching to Dish soon.
Need an upgraded reciever, but not a genie.
I just purchased a new High Def TV that requires a hdmi cable, but my Directv receiver is 10 years old and doesn't have a hdmi output on the back. I cant use the new Genie receiver because it needs a high def satellite dish to work properly, but satellite dish is standard def and can't be replaced
yes those are device codes for the directv remote, for sony tv's. Ask at remote central, in the discrete hunter forum. they give out pronto hex commands all the time.
14 years ago
to the conversation:
Hex codes for remote?
Long story short ... I have a Harmony 890 remote made by Logitech. It controls my Directv HD receiver/DVR, Sony Blu Ray player, Sony CD player, Yamaha home theater receiver, and Sony Bravia TV. The Harmony remote is fantastic in every way except one ... I cannot get it to allow me to produce a SLO