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4 K
When technician installed my HR54-200 I asked if it was 4 K and he responded that it was and would work with my Samsung 4K tv. However I have not been able to tune to a 4K program and now wonder if it needs the mini to work. Can I just swap a mini with the main unit and have it work as it should?J
DIRECTV Equipment
Blue circle with K in the middle
I am suddenly not able to view shows that I've recorded. My recorded show gives me a blue circle with a K in it and I'm given the choice of "delete or don't delete". I can not view my recorded show! I've tried to fix the problem with online information but I'm not successful! Can someone tell
Watching DIRECTV
downloaded k lite codec pak did not help
I download K lite codec pak and it installed all kinds of unwanted stuff on my browser, like the yahoo toolbar, etc. Did a system restore and yahoo still appears on my firefox toolbar. I suspect that the rest of the stuff that came with k lite codec pak is still on my computer. But it still doesn't
Watching DIRECTV
My refund isnt on my card
Whenever I got my refund they said three to five business days and it's been about 6 a.m. I'm wondering when I'll get my refund my name is Michelle ***** at ***** Marysville California 95901 [Edited for privacy-This is a public forum. Please do not post personal or unique information such as but n
Thank You all ,for your replies and advice!I got Michelle to send me a kit.Hopefully it will work ,after my installation.
DECA Switches
I have whole House DVR. I have 5 boxes total. 2= HD DVR's,one is the HR24 and the other works in conjunction with it, and 3=Regular boxes.I would like to have the ON Demand working. How many DECA switches do I need for this to work? Do I need a DECA switch at every box? Will 1 DECA do all boxes? Can
" K " in the Playlist screen ?
Does anyone know what it means to have a ' K ' preceding the listing of a recorded program?
DIRECTV Equipment
Thanks Michelle and lou_do for the very helpful answers. I did double check using the tools you provided Michelle and have the right zip code and all channels currently offered for that zip code.
Local Channels on DirecTV Stream
Why are some of my local channels (e.g. CW/My Network affiliates) that are available on DirecTV satellite not available on DirecTV Stream?
Kids deleting my stuff!
Can I password protect a recording??? If my kids delete my shows one more time there will be body parts missing!
DIRECTV Equipment
Linksys has a killer new EoP unit that has a built in hub. I've used it with a xbox360, Universal Remote PSX2, Bluray player and Directv HR23. Plenty of transfer speed. Then again, I know that I'm on the same electrical leg.
looking for powerline adapter suggestions
I am using older netgear powerline adapters...they just won't cut it for MRV. Is anyone using a Powerline adapter that is working well for MRV? I am tempted to try the Belkin Gigabit HD starter Kit. They claim 1000mbps but of course I doubt that speed can be reached except in perfect conditions...An
help with setvice
no body answers customer setvice phone. i need assistance asap bc on hold 30 minutes.
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Pioneer VSX 821 k Receiver and Uverse TV Set Up Help!
I just bought the Pioneer VSX 821 k and have tried to set it up with my Uverse and I get spotty audio when I have the Uverse box switched to surround sound. Any help on how to configure so that I can take advantage of my new receiver and speakers in 5.1? Set up: Insignia TV -> UVerse box (HDMI)Insi
U-verse TV Equipment
DVR interfere with FM radio 96.5
Is there any body having this problem with HR20I used all compress type connectorsEverything is groundedBut lose I about 3 DB of signal went listening to my weak radio station.I unplug DVR and my radio gets 3 DB louder and very little white noise.Is there some kind of filter I can install on my DVR
DIRECTV Equipment
Ok that's fine. It's not a killer as I do have an antenna. I just didn't want to think this is a normal issue.
Black screen problem on CBS channel..... Direct TV stream
I just signed up for DTV Stream and I am having problems with an intermittent outage on CBS causing a black screen every few seconds. I've seen this same question from 2-3 years ago on the forums here. Is there a solution for this problem or just something you have to live with? Before I cancel my t
Michelle a social media person on Facebook mentioned that if you subscribed when it started you get a free month.
Epix is coming to UVerse
Channel surfing this morning and stumbled across this Channels 1891-1894 EpixHD, EpixWH, Epix2H and Epix3H. Doesn't give a go live date though.
This (Edited per community guidelines)! I am so Done with Direct Stream, I can't watch shows that I recorded on my DVR, I have killer fast Wi-Fi and internet and I still have buffering on the shows I am able to watch, and on top of that they just rai
the owner of this content has not made it available to stream in this area
When I try to watch Judge Judy episodes that I have recorded with my DVR i get the message the owner of this content has not made it available to stream in this area?
I see Starz has Michelle williams listed in cast with correct bday, birth place, but pic of Destiny Child's singer Michelle williams who happens to be black, and not the Oscar award winner who was in the movie Venom. So correct name, bday, birthplace
Directv cast and crew info is incorrect
Recently I have found cast and crew errors while watching channel 256 TCM (Turner Classic Movies). Who do I contact to report the errors? Tonight I was watching My Sister Eileen. In Cast and crew Janet Blair was incorrectly listed as playing Eileen. The part of Eileen was played b
Y&R info correction
When you hit "info" on any Y&R show, it lists Michelle Stafford as an actress. Michelle quit Y&R in Aigust of 2013....let's update please!
U-verse TV Equipment
Where do I find my internet usage?
I just have u-verse internet, because they don't allow but one cable company in my town. So I want to find out about my usage for the last few months as AT&T is going to start charging after grace period which starts 5/23/16.i have the elite plan with download speed 6Mbps and 300GB's per month. Does
U-verse TV Account
500E0JBL2n-ToscoNo Michelle (social media manager) never replied back to my email that she told me to send to her.
10 years ago
to the conversation:
False rewards card promise
I totally agree with another post. I moved all of my services just down the street from where I use to live and this was back in June of 2014 and I have never received my $300 reward card (false advertising). I tried contacting AT&T reward resolution Center and they just basically blew me off an