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Newsmaxtv New To U-verse
I found a new news channel on Channel 1220 named Newsmax. There is no analog version. The channel came on June 30 to U-verse, and it is conservative in it's news orientation. It returned to DirectTV that day, also. The channel is also seen as a sub station in various ares. Sunday programming seems t
Watching U-verse TV
New Customer Apartment Install Question
I am scheduled for install on 12/14, which is a ways away so wanted to be prepared. I ordered the HD DVR service and the slimline dish. We are moving into a brand new town home and our back patio, rather small, is fenced and faces directly towards line of site for satellite reception. My issue is th
DIRECTV Equipment
New HD Channel News
Does anyone have an idea when DirecTV may add the Travel Channel and WGN in HD?I recently saw a Dishnet Turbo HD commericial that stated they would have both those channels in HD by the end of 2008.Just wondering if DirecTV has any new national HD channels on the herizon.
Watching DIRECTV
If anyone can, please reach out to engadget and let them know that Directv fell on their faces out of the gate. That should get some heat on this issue.
Sunday Ticket To Go
Hello, I have signed up for Sunday Ticket ToGo to use on my computer (Windows 7 OS). The "start watching" button is unavailable in either Firefox 6 or IE 7. Is this an issue on my end or will it be made available when the games start? Thank you.
program listing
what is going on with listings and programs on Direct All those to be announced it was saying Bill and Ted Faces the music, it is so many channels, what is going on?
Watching DIRECTV
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Official Solution
Closed caption across middle or all over
I cannot get the close captions to be at the bottom of the screen. I need them but cannot have them blocking faces and other pertinent parts of the picture. How do I get U-verse to display CC at the bottom of the screen. Resetting digital cc to defaults did nothing to help.
Watching U-verse TV
DC Channel 9 HD
When is DirecTV going to clear up the break-up issue on DC Channel 9 HD? The picture around the faces is constantly breaking up. It was particularly bad last night on that Julia Louis Dreyfus show.
DIRECTV Equipment
With the words at the top is just stupid every time I visit my family that has a Vizio tv I need to deal with cc along top of screen blocking faces and so forth just stupid
Is there a way to move the closed captioning lower on the screen?
I looked at all of the options on the menu tab and changed my font (lol) but couldn't move them down so they're not blocking the picture. I can make the font blue, yet I don't have the option to move the captioning.Am I missing something or do yall truly not have a way to fix this?
Uverse HD Screen Resolution
Attempting to watch basketball on UV TV service is horrible.........................I don't understand why UVerse doesn't address this. Faces are fuzzy and scaled out. It's 2019 not 1990. Please do something.. boxes are crap equipment. Even hard wired the service horrible...
Watching U-verse TV
Some channels display CC about 1/3 rd from the bottom ( as preferred ) others display 1/3 rd from the top ( across faces ) I can't understand why anyone would program the CC to display close to the top as mentioned.
Uverse Closed Caption postion
How can the closed captioning position be modified? We have two deaf children, so the closed captioning must be on at all times. The current closed captioning places the works in the middle of the screen across the actual faces. What kind of setup is this? I've had cable, Netflix, Amazon Video,
If your balcony faces south, you can get service. I'll let one of the guy's familiar with installs in the CA area to comment as to cost, but here is an actual onsite pic of a skid mounted HD dish.
Mounting satellite
I live in a apartment complex, where I do have a private balcony but nothing can be attached to the building. I called Directv, and advised them of this situation, and they said that it would be considered a custom installation. My landlord said, that the satellite will have to be setup on a stand.
U-verse closed captioning screen position
How can I get the closed captioning to REMAIN at the bottom of the screen and not randomly show across character faces nor the top of the screen. is this an issue with U-verse software or how networks broadcast?
Watching U-verse TV
I would suggest that the person who holds the account with AT&T pay the entire bill and that the other two roommates pay their share to that person. Otherwise you risk the other two paying their share late and the account person faces the consequence
Multiple people paying one bill
Can 3 people pay for one account using different payment methods? I have 2 roommates and I would like to setup my payments through ebills from my financial institution but they would like to pay online or by mail. Is this possible?
New NFL Sunday Ticket Deal with DTV. Good News For U-Verse????
Just saw where the NFL signed a new 8 yr deal with DTV today for Sunday Ticket. With the pending merger with AT&T and DTV, I wonder if this will help us with UV in the coming years possibly get access to Sunday Ticket?? I didn't see anything in any of the news reports about this possibility, have
Watching U-verse TV
I noticed this change in aspect ratio on CBS here in Los Angeles on Thursday (12/15/2022) during the 2-part episode of "Ghosts" .. so around or after 8:30. Screen seemed distorted, aimed too low, heads and faces at top were cut off. SO odd ...
Why has aspect ratio changed on one channel?
The CBS 4 Denver channel has changed aspect ratio overnight and I can't seem to get it back to its usual original 16:9 HD format on our LG smart tv (<1 yr old). Everything I've tried also changes the look of all of the other channels and I've tried monkeying with the aspect ratio settings on bot
Back of the house faces South South West so no issue with line of site. Pole option remains a problem because of the rocky soil, big pain in the (Edited per community guidelines) getting down 3 feet into the rock for a pole.
Dish install on foundation wall
We are building a new house and I want the dish to be install on the side of the foundation can this be done and is it advisable?
OTARD prevents landlords/HOAs from preventing a dish install in places under your exclusive control like a patio/balcony, unless your apt faces the southern sky there is nothing DTV can do about getting a signal but you maybe able to apply to get the
NFL Sunday Ticket valid address
I live in an apartment and we can't get Direct TV. I filled out the eligibility form and it said I wasn't eligible. How can I get this resolved?
@ericswim Make sure you do not have anything blocking the front of the STB. I have had issues before and sprayed some windex on a paper towel and wiped down the front on the box...... the clear smoked plastic section. I have also had to angle the S
S30 Uverse remote works sporadically with Receiver
I swapped TVs from a wireless to a hard wire receiver. Now my hard wire S30 remote works sporadically in changing channels. I have no problem controlling volume and turning on/off TV.Just remote interacting w/Receiver to change channels etc on cable. Help
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New To UVerse - Questions/Pixelation Problems
Hello, hope someone can provide me with more information. Recently switched to AT&T UVerse after having Comcast for 8 years. I am a big sports fan and have found the basketball and football games to be heavily pixelated especially for wide shots where the faces can not even be made
U-verse TV Equipment
If you apartment is part of an MDU (Multi Dwelling Unit) then you need to contact the service provider. If not and your apartment faces the Southern sky then you need to contact DTV to install a dish and setup the DTV receivers with a movers order o
11 months ago
to the conversation:
DVR with out receiver in apartment complex
How can I DVR tv programs from the cable provided by the apartment complex as I do not have a receiver in my apartment?