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Joan looks fat on Mad Men
I just got a new LG 42PJ350, which is a 720P Plasma HDtv. Recorded Mad Men and watched it. Joan looks like a fat hog. Draper has jowls. I know it has something to do with the way I have the reciever/tv settings that dont agree. The TV doesnt have a whole lot of things to set as far as upconvers
Watching DIRECTV
Mad Men Missing Episodes?
Was really glad to discover season 2 available on DirecTV on Demand - even willing to put up with episodes trickling in and watching in low-def. Episode 1 was released and then 2 days apart. However, this week Episodes 5 and 6 are now available, but no 3 and 4? The list now goes 1,2,5,6 - this is no
Watching DIRECTV
Mad Men horrible transmission problems
After much anticipation, I finally got to sit down and watch the final-season premiere of Mad Men. For the first few minutes, the transmission skipped, froze and was even without sound for several seconds. Did anyone else experience this? The ATT U-verse signal has been frequently erratic lately, bu
Watching U-verse TV
Someone is doing you a favor. Take a look at these forums and look at some of the disastrous customer service stories going on here... This company doesn't deserve you or anybody's business. The computer gods are on your side don't click the button.
cant accept terms and conditions
After i provide my login information i am directed to a page where i have to accept the terms and conditions. I click on it but nothing happens. No loading screen or anything. Help?
Same problem here, suburbs North of Dallas. Recorded Mad Men on AMC HD and the recording has a lot of pixelation,hesitation etc.
AMC HD problems
Is anyone having problems with the picture freezing on AMC HD? It's basically unwatchable and un-DVR-able. Regular AMC is fine, as well as every other channel. The problem seemed to start about two weeks ago.
Trying to DVR Mad Men on AMC HD was how I found the problem. It wasn't freezing while Walking Dead was on. However, I found the last Mad Men episode on demand. On a whim I decided to check knowing AMC hasn't been on demand and, eh, it was there. Just
AMC HD problems
Is anyone having problems with the picture freezing on AMC HD? It's basically unwatchable and un-DVR-able. Regular AMC is fine, as well as every other channel. The problem seemed to start about two weeks ago.
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
What happened to AMC? We were looking forward to the new season of Walking Dead?
What the H happend? We recently switched to ATT Uverse and now we find out that we can't get AMC? Does anyone have it on their tv? We were looking forward to watching The Walking Dead tonight!!! And Mad Men is coming on in the next few months. Why weren't we alerted to this?
Watching U-verse TV
How can I file a complaint about the SEWS channel lineup?
We’re very disappointed that you’re no longer showing the Virginian. Men of Shiloh is not nearly as good. Please consider putting The Virginian back on from Season 1, Episode 1 forward for those of us who started watching in the last season! Men of Shiloh is not near as good. Thank you, the Weltzien
Watching DIRECTV
Only part of my recording is playing.
I have had trouble with only part of my recordings showing. I watch Alone and I watch Mountain Men and with both shows it says they are an hour long and the recording says they recorded and hour but when I play either one they play about 20 minutes and then it says it is finished and do I want to de
U-verse TV Equipment
I just ran a copy of Mad Men from AMC VOD and it loaded fine. Sometimes these sites are down for whatever reason but normally return in short order.
AMC VOD channel 1254 not Allowing me to Record Content
I am not able to record any content from AMC VOD Channel even though I am subscribed to the AMC channel and can view the regular AMC channel just fine. I called this problem into DirectTV six days ago and have followed up with two other calls and still the problem persists and no one from DirecTV h
I was at the ATT branch in Telegraph to reset my passcode they signed me in and waited for an hour then 2 white men came in and they assist them first before me I told them I was ahead of them and why you assist them first the lady told me because th
ATT customer care complaint
how do i file a co-mplaint with ATT customer care. i was instructed to do so during a phone call with a rep at 800-288-2020
Guess what I saw earlier this evening on the weather channel guys? They were testing out "Local on the 8's" earlier this evening in the Houston area. I also saw a radar pop-up when I used the U-Bar earlier as well. Guess the gods really are listening
Wonder whatever happened with that anyways.. Used to be a popular topic around here, and now I never see so much as a whisper about it. Pretty sure that there are still people who want it though, right?
Please differntiate between a college basketball game and womens basketball. I am sick of clicking a game and seeing women running around playing basketball. If its a womens game call it womens basketball for Gods sake and save us the hassle of click
Guide is making me crazy!
Has anyone else noticed the strange way the guide keeps changing? I have noticed that for some reason the Magnolia Channel is now saying that it is the DIY channel again and some channels are showing W HD which is strange because I live on the east coast. Also, on some channels, the cha
Re recorded both MAd Men o nAMC and The Royals on E! TV and this time they were fine.
AMC HD problems
Is anyone having problems with the picture freezing on AMC HD? It's basically unwatchable and un-DVR-able. Regular AMC is fine, as well as every other channel. The problem seemed to start about two weeks ago.
Two men from AT&T appeared out front of our 2 houses and proceeded to dig a large hole. They pointedly said that they were digging in the easement. However they were throwing dirt and debris all over the front yards. Two days later t
ATT Underground Line Work
Approx 3-4 weeks ago ATT completed some underground line work along a utility easement. This easement runs through both mine and my neighbor's property. The directional digging they did left three very unsightly and large piles of dirt. The grass has been killed off in these areas and&n
On demand
i can't find the new season of two and a half men in the on demand free shows. Also I need to watch an episode of law and order svu from early November that has yet to shop up on demand. Thanks
Watching U-verse TV
Cant record shows tonight
went to record Rubicon and Mad Men tonight but the time slots from 9:00 PM on are blank and if there is nothing there it wont record what gives?????????????
DIRECTV Equipment
How can I block channel 1998
My husband loves Two and a Half Men Seasons 1-8 which we have set to record. Newer recording override older recordings. Some of these new recording are Channel 1998 and are "Pay Per View". I don't want these pay episodes overriding our recorded episodes. STOP this insanity!
door to door sales people
hello....i have had two incidences of door to door sales people for uverse knock on my door even though i have a clearly visible sign on my door saying no solicitors. this happened for the second time today. two men walked up to my door an knocked, disregarding the sign. i answered from my window
U-verse TV Account
Yippee WUSA Channel 9 CBS affiliate Washington DC is now working again. Praise the TV Gods 😜
1 year ago
to the conversation:
Tegna - Directv dispute
Its now 2024, how much longer will this blackout last? The streaming option is (Edited per community guidelines). If I want to stream all my local stations then why am I paying for Directv? This is becoming ridiculous! You cant even stream the NBC shows because your service is connected to Directv.