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Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Why is the Progtam Guide lying about First Aired Date?
Ok latly I have noticed that the program guide is LYING on the "First Aired Date" it will list the first aired date as the current day put the program is actually old and most time very old. REALLY???
Watching DIRECTV
Lying in order to get you to buy
Is direct tv accustomed to lying to customers in order for them to get certain packages and not include what they were promised or were we just lucky.?Also are the installation techs supposed to take 2 hours breaks in the middle of an install? Only had the service a week and already hate the att cus
Lying customer service Reps
When we got out installation for direct tv we where told by the guy that we would not have to pay for the receivers and we would have a cheap first bill. We where told my multiple customer service reps and installer that we would not have to pay the recievers and even have an email from chat saying
@LisaFLA The screen saver cannot be disabled. I've heard of a great invention that emits all sorts of sounds like music, talk, even white noise. I think it's called a radio.
Is there a power-saving option for the receivers?
Is there a power-saving option for the receivers? When I had DirecTV, there was an option where I could turn on Power Saving and my receiver would turn off after 4 hours of non-use. It seems that this would be a good option for U-Verse receivers, also.
Multiple Chats With Lying Representatives
I am getting ready to contact a local news station's investigator to look into what I believe has been lying, fraudulent behavior on the part of chat representatives with DirecTV. I had been having intermittent problems with my DVR and have been eligible for a very long time for a new one free of c
I want to know why I was offered one promotion with a free Roku stick and I never received it and they told me that it just wasn't there and their notes when I called back and then I was offered U-verse with internet and phone for $90 a month for the first year and when I call they tell me that that
U-verse TV Account
Why does AT&T have the right to screw customers out of hundreds of dollars and get away with it?
Why does staff lie telling me that I am getting a refund of almost $200.00 for me to find out I am screwed out of the money? I cannot wait for this contract to be over to get away from AT&T U-verse TV. I used to love Direct TV but now that AT&T is involved it is all about screwing the customer and
U-verse TV Account
Lying sales rep
I moved to Atlanta last year and signed up for AT&T cable, internet and home phone. I specifically asked when I signed up for service to confirm that I did not have a contract. The sales rep confirmed my plan did not require a contract. Nevertheless, when I decided to cancel my service I was told I
U-verse TV Account
Lying about a Rewards Card
I cannot believe what is happening with the customer service I'm getting from AT&T. Last year I signed up and was offered a rewards card. A few weeks later I call since it hadn't showed up, and they tell me to keep waiting. I wait some more, then they tell me I've missed my chance to claim my rewa
Lack of full disclosure
I would NOT recommend Directv to anyone. First of all they are sneaky and do not fully disclose information. 1) when I inquired about cable services the sales people sold me on a promotion so I agreed. What was not disclosed to me about the deal while I was on the phone with the sales representativ
Pathetic unprofessional lying customer service
On August 15 I went through my app to change my DirecTV package. It wouldn’t complete. Therefore I went to the website. When I got yo the checkout I got the same error with grayed out fields. The package I was signing up for was the select package for $79 per month plus the Movies and More package f
Why is U-Verse lying to customers?
Everyone that tweets their dissatisfaction at not getting soccer on FS1 gets the same message tweeted back at them...AT&T tells them tht they are working to find a solution. That's a boldface lie and everybody knows it! The only solution is to pay FS1 for the programming that all U-Verse custome
Watching U-verse TV
Ok, so I'll get a component to hdmi converter box and use one of the many component cables I have lying around. That'll work, right? Thanks again. LT
All my recordings have been deleted
I've got two things going on here and they may or may not be related. A few weeks ago, I started using a computer monitor that is capable of 720p hd as the output to my dvr. It's old and only has a VGA connector, so I bought a VGA to HDMI cable that included an output for sound. I'm also using a
AT&T is either lying to all of us or they have terrible technical people. How can it take months to fix this problem?
Help using third party apps
I am unable to use apps such as Nick Jr., TBS, or HBOgo to watch videos. When I attempt to watch them, I choose my provider, then I get the same message, "Contact ATT Uverse for further assistance." I have the package of the channels that I am trying to use the related apps. I also have no troubl
If it effects only 5% of customers, why do it all? At&t is lying again. That's why.
Where do I find my internet usage?
I just have u-verse internet, because they don't allow but one cable company in my town. So I want to find out about my usage for the last few months as AT&T is going to start charging after grace period which starts 5/23/16.i have the elite plan with download speed 6Mbps and 300GB's per month. Does
Directv keeps sending me to collections and lying
I returned my equipment on April 10 2020. After at least a a dozen or 2 phone calls they finally agreed to pull my account back from collections and credit my account on July 17 2020. I provided photos of the return receipts I got from UPS. I was provided with confirmation numbers for both pieces of
CNN and MSNBC aren't being sued for lying about the 2020 election results. Maybe you should get your "news" from a reliable source since Fox is still lying to you. You will never hear the truth if you don't.
I want to remove Fox News from my line up
I don't watch Fox News and I should not be forced to subsidize Fox News’ lies and bigotry. Over 90 million households subscribe to Fox News but only 3.3 million actually watch them. I don't want to pay them to lie to the American public. Please allow me to remove Fox News from my channel line up or
anythings better than comcast Lying crooks
Voice Command remote?
We had Xfinity TV and we had a remote that would respond to your voice. Just say the name of the channel and you would get it in a second. Does U Verse also have a remote with those options?. Our standard U Verse TV remote looks like 1990s technology and not very user friendly.
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Part of The Menu is cut off of the screen
Hi. Part of the menu is cut off of the screen and i dont know how to fix it, and its really hard to navigate through On Demand. On the Guide its cuts off the channel name(like the 3-5 letter abreviation of the channel) and the time at the time is cut off to and i would really like to know how to fix
U-verse TV Equipment
You're right. What a shame. Have not had such a quirky problem since the invention of dvr's. crazy.. here we are 18/20 yrs later and cant view all of our shows. Arrgh!
6 years ago
to the conversation:
Recordings Disappeared from Playlist
Went into watch previous recordings in my playlist and a lot of the recordings that are always there are just gone. Some very old recordings are there, but newer recordings have totally disappeared. What is the fix??