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Censorship and Left-wing Media
ProudTrumpSupporter -- Your reply was directed at Juniper, correct? I, too, am a proud Trump supporter!!!
TV shows
Skipping Problem during normal TV viewing and all recorded shows.
Ever since the "malfunction" problem on the 8th, I have been unable to reset one of my HR23-700 dvr. I have repeatedly done the "red" reset button, unplugged, and even done a hard reboot, of course I lost everything I had recorded..bummer...but I can't get the "stuttering problem" to stop! Every cha
DIRECTV Equipment
Thanks for the info. Too bad though... I see on the Arkansas Razorback website that AT&T is a proud sponsor, however, they must not be too proud since they are not airing this game. Guess I'll go across the street to my son's house
Arkansas vs.. Troy - Saturday, 9/17
Will the Arkansas vs.. Troy football game on 9/17 be available to AT&T Uverse customers? I see that Cox will be airing it, but I don't see it listed for AT&T.
It's already got foam under it! We unplugged the damned thing, and then plugged in back a few minutes later. It is quiet NOW, but how long it will last is the big question.And>>> Before I have to send it back in for a replacement(with a bunch of prog
HR24/100 very noisy at all times -
This unit is in the bedroom, and it is quite disturbing. I know it sounds extreme, but if I slap the sides of the unit, it quiets down for a while, then it starts in a again. We are down to unplugging it at night. That pisses my wife off, as she has things she wants to record, but can't because we n
Local Fox Audio Cuts Out
For over a year now whenever I'm watching a FOX show, the audio will disappear for 2-4 seconds, and then come back. It typically happens 3-4 times during the show, and most times NOT during a commercial, so we're always missing dialog, singing, etc. It only happens on Fox, and, it happens on both of
DIRECTV Equipment
allright goot ya did it, proud of yourself...
Wonder whatever happened with that anyways.. Used to be a popular topic around here, and now I never see so much as a whisper about it. Pretty sure that there are still people who want it though, right?
AT&T is proud to bring you The Masters Tournament! Having trouble with your TV service, go here. -ATTU-verseCare
U-verse Masters Golf Tournament 2017
AT&T is proud to present you coverage of the Masters Tournament. Catch all the action and get additional information from our interactive apps. Interactive Apps: You can catch all the action through our mix channels (multi-view experience), up to date scoreboards, leader boards, and te
Being retired AT&T I am NOT very proud of the lack of service being show to our customers (me included) by removing the u-Verse program guide/DVR access. Very poor decision making.
U-Verse Streaming, Guide Info and DVR Management no longer Available via Website
Streaming is available on the U-verse app for iOS, Android and Amazon devices. Watch your favorite shows virtually anywhere, anytime, manage your DVR and use the app as a remote control.* More info. *Requires qualifying device and data connection. Access to content varies by device
Bet your really proud of your "Expert" status. Don't worry, I have better things to do than aggravate you. Have a wonderful EXPERT life.
Too much money for the service
Will be canceling my DirecTV account the instant my home is connected to the internet. Been paying for Directv hardware for over 10 years with no relief.
DirecTV adds Live streaming to is already award winning iPad app
Folks, For those of you who are proud owners of an iPad, make sure to do an update to the DirecTV iPad app. this update adds live video to the app. Very cool. Once again DirecTV hit it out out the park.
Watching DIRECTV
Thank you for your help. Part of the problem with calling is that customer service personnel are working at home due to the virus and the ones I've talked to couldn't take my credit card info. I'll try again in the morning. Perhaps they can take m
Direct TV
I cancelled Direct TV in Feb. and received a bill that I have been trying to pay since then. Went into an ATT store and paid it but they mistakenly applied it to my phone bill. They are threatening to send me to collections, which would affect my credit score. Because the account is closed, ther
I have become a proud member of the red X-10 onscreen club
So, 7 weeks in to my uverse experience, I appear to be experiencing a total failure of my DVR which started with denial of viewing my recorded programs, then nothing but the imfamous red X after attempting reboots multiple times..Someone want to tell me what convenient experience I can look forward
U-verse TV Equipment
I am solidly in the DMA of all the local channels and live in one of the two largest cities near its center where the local stations are based. DirecTV may be trying to serve this mostly rural area like it had all its stations in one large metropoli
Difference in receivers ability to process signal
I have four H25-500 receivers and a H20-700 DVR. The H20 doesn't have any problems receiving any channels. However, the H25 receivers have intermittent problems receiving channels 3,6,7,18 with 3 and 18 the worst. These are the local channels for my area (Lawton, OK). The video portion of the br
@nwahogfan wrote: Thanks for the info. Too bad though... I see on the Arkansas Razorback website that AT&T is a proud sponsor, however, they must not be too proud since they are not airing this game. That has absolutel
Arkansas vs.. Troy - Saturday, 9/17
Will the Arkansas vs.. Troy football game on 9/17 be available to AT&T Uverse customers? I see that Cox will be airing it, but I don't see it listed for AT&T.
Is there something WRONG for him to ANNOUNCE he is a retired ATT employee and proud of it????? Why does he need to have a question or concern to be answered??? Gees, get a life and glad I don't live under your roofs. I see how you were brought up,
*I am an AT&T retired employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent AT&T's position, strategies or opinions.
I have my hd hr24 running an hdmi into my hdtv and s-video into my panasonic dvd recorder. Prior to the update it had no problem sending the HDMI signal and the s video at the same time. This is so damned annoying that it makes me want to drop th
Your TV or its cables are not HD
I got this extremely annoying message “Your TV or its cables are not HD”. In the meantime, the video is perfectly fine behind the pop-up. The screen tells you to press exit until the resolution change. When I do press exit, it will kick me out of the show I am watching in the DVR. This came with the
Fox News
How can I get Fox News off my streaming. I do not want to give money to KKK or Proud boys to make money for their killing. Can I just have their Network off my streaming? Thank you! Connie McMillan
Community lounge
Actually, THIS is AT&T headquarters in Dallas: AT&T Headquarters, Dallas, Texas AT&T has a long and proud history with Dallas, going all the way back to Southwestern Bell. From the AT&T Performing Arts Center which include
What IS the Office of the President?
I've had occasion to speak with people from the Office of the President recently about an issue. I realized I don't know what sort of place they occupy in the scheme of things. A dead end for customer complaints? Where would they be in a corporate structure diagram? Once you wind up there, abandon a
You should've set aside money to pay the $187 bill even though we said it'd be onlyb$91
"If you have set aside the anticipate first bill plus expected second bill, the monies should be there to pay both."This was ATTs solution to me because they undercharged me then overcharged me. They go on about billing cycles and automation, which is a fine excuse but when I paid the $5.33 bill bac
U-verse TV Account
Skeeter, I hope you're proud of yourself.
7 years ago
to the conversation:
Flooded Out, Power Off Nightmare -- Need Credit Help Since Services Can't Be Received When Power Off
I was flooded out of my apartment from water putting out a fire 2 floors above my apartment, and thus my power was cut off, so I need a credit for the days I *couldn't* receive U-verse TV & U-Verse Net service because the power was off, and the power stayed off. It's insult to injury that the mul