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Accepted Solution
REF # [Edited per community guidelines] - ref to returned equipment and overcharges for Mar/April 2022. Third time calling - and escalating the request. Print a nice billing statement with -$94.17 No refund is processed. I talked to this Customer Service Representative again for the third time in mo
I have 2 ref remotes and want them both to work the one stb dongle. Can I reset the home I’d with the same code in both remotes?
Point Anywhere RF Remote controls the receiver with the usb dongle but also controls the ir receiver
U-verse TV Point Anywhere RF Remote Control controls the rf receiver with the usb dongle (as it should) but also controls the ir receiver.The receivers are in the same room but the tv's are in separate rooms. When I turn on the Kitchen TV with the RF Point Anywhere Remote it turns on both receivers
You also can hold the ref reset button down for about 20-30 sec. It will reload and do a factory reset.
Wrong local channels on Stream.
I am getting local channels that are from my previous address in Florida instead of the ones for North Carolina where I am now. ????
Same experience but what they didn't know I had my ref number because I knew they are full of sh*t they had no choice but give me my $100 off my bill.
ATT customer care complaint
how do i file a co-mplaint with ATT customer care. i was instructed to do so during a phone call with a rep at 800-288-2020
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
watch movies at the theater
How do I go about going to the movies theater to watch a movie for free
Watching DIRECTV
My cable box got unplugged completely from all cables in the back. I thought we got it all hooked up again but still nothing. Flashing green and ref lights on the front. Help please!!!
U-verse TV Equipment
Anyone else have a dispute with DTV ? My services have been off over a dispute going on since December & DTV refuses to reconnect them.
Currently have a dispute going on since December for a little over 600 dollar charge from directtv. I have been paying my bills as supposed to, despite that my services have been disconnected over a charge that wasn't a valid charge, and it was in December of 2021. To this day the charge hasn't bee
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Refreshing the playlist
Trying to access my playlist and screen scrolls showing “Refreshing the playlist” for a few minutes. After, screen scrolls “Please wait...”, then nothing. Just goes back to the program I was watching. Never displays recordings. Just started happening tonight. Everything else seems to be working fine
DIRECTV Equipment
ATT Cannot locate returned devices
Was told by an ATT rep to take my cable boxes/dvr's to UPS which I did. UPS gave me a "AT&T Equipment Return Receipt" which lists all 6 devices along with their serial numbers. On this form their is a Return Reference Number A6843P20200428145647. I also received a "Work Order Receipt" that lists
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
how does the person who refered get a referal number so I can register and they will get their reward
how does the person who referred me get a referral number so I can register and they can get their reward
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
How could you change payment due dates to the first of themonth?
Social Security disability allotments aren't posted until the first of the month. Is this a ploy to increase your revenue by having your disabled customers incur late-payment charges? For shame. AT&T.
U-verse TV Account
Is there anyone working in the Identity Theft Depatment?
We are currently on our third round of attempting to reach someone in the Identity Theft Department. I am in hour two of what seems like eternal hold, while my wife had spent a total of six hours on two separate occasions to try to reach this mysterious department. I called the AT&T Uverse Fraud lin
U-verse TV Account
Using AIM to align a SL3 and having issues
I adjusted elevation and azimuth to peak signal in step 1 of alignment. (I get a reading of around -28)When I get to the step where I SET REF for the 2 CCW turns, it tells me to turn it past peak to ref. One of two things happen from here. (A) I turn it clock wise and never get to the peak they gi
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Should the DVR always start with the satellite refreshing and installing 1 of 2 steps?
Does it always starts with satellite refreshing and installing 1 of 2 steps?
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Can you please update my bill and account to reflect the correct amount?
My bill is not accurate. A promotion was removed erroneously which doubled my bill. This is promotion was to last 12 months which is what was told to me over the phone when I decided to move my services instead of cancelling them. Please update my bill and account to reflect the correct amount.
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Is the Credit Management Fee Refundable?
When I signed up with at&t, I had to pay $449 due to not having any credit, If I were to cancel my uverse service would I get the $449 back?
U-verse TV Account
Anyone in the United States work there?
Is there any way to speak to management? I do not want to be offensive however I can not understand whatever language customer service representative is speaking. And I need some answers.
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Can I get directv installed in my vacation home and only pay for it for the months that I am there?
Can I get directv installed in my vacation home and only pay for it for the months that I am there?
I already returned the items you requested. Did you receive them?
I recieved the request letter for return equipments yesterday.Serial number: 272875385419984Serial number: M91244EAA141I returned the both equepments and controler from The UPS Store #3172, San Diego, CA92131 on 10/9/2018 .My Return Reference Number is: A3172P20181009114601I have a receipt.Hatsuko H
U-verse TV Equipment
Your ref to sportpack is just confusing the issue, since sportpack will not give you any NFL games
5 years ago
to the conversation:
NFL Sunday Ticket team pass
hello! I really would like a option for a NFL team pass instead of having all the games in Sunday Ticket cause I rarely watch all NFL sunday ticket games but only this one particular team cause MLB and NBA has the same package that i'm talking about. here is what im