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1 Message
DIRECTV dropping OANN?
How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN? They do not lie! The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives! My husband and I will be dropping Directv if you go thru this in April. I will convince all our friends and family to do likewise. This is an attack on freedom of speech and our country. Shame on you!!!!
New Member
2 Messages
3 years ago
DIRECTV (AT&T) is bending the knee to the radical (Edited per community guidelines) agenda that wishes to silence any point of view that differs with them.
You have joined the cancel culture that is destroying this country. This is a very dangerous step that should not be tolerated by subsribers. There are plenty of alternatives for both streaming cell phone service. Please vote with your dollars.
171 Messages
3 years ago
A message from DirecTV:
And here’s what’s leaving…
-A Wealth of Entertainment after April 4
-One America News Network after April 4
And coming up soon…
And they are adding CLEO TV: Cleo TV is an American cable television network owned by Urban One. The network serves young millennial and Generation X African American women
TV One: TV One's programming targets African American adults. Also owned by Urban One.
(Urban one :The company primarily operates media properties targeting African Americans)
And -Golf Channel.
171 Messages
3 years ago
That is why I gave myself the time to transition over to the streaming and the Tivo system. I got the Pluto TV and I did subscribe to OANN $4.99 a month. The Amazon firestick also has alot .Newsmax is on Pluto TV and Firestick as well as Sky News. I dont only watch OANN but Newsmax and Sky News.
I have to say that OANN does show allot of live hearings so people can see and hear for themselves what is going on and can decide on truth without talking heads telling them.
Maybe that is the fear from some, that the people may see for themselves what is truly going on. OMG that frightens some politicians. ( and the corporate )
New Member
2 Messages
3 years ago
You are just one of many (Edited per community guidelines) businesses I will not support. Will be canceling prior to Apr 4th. Haven't been satisfied with the programming and with OAN being canceled there's no longer a reason to stay with it. Bye.
Debi Schwartz
58 Messages
3 years ago
There r consequences to stolen elections !!
New Member
17 Messages
3 years ago
Why would you bow down to (Edited per community guidelines) wokeness at this stage of the game? I've been a customer since 1993 but I can't tolerate this ridiculousness!!
New Member
17 Messages
3 years ago
I'm with you and will do the same!!
New Member
8 Messages
3 years ago
Why in the world would Direct TV cancel one of the best shows on TV. This is where the actual NEWS is and not fake news. I will be cancelling my DIRECT TV and hope many others do too. This is shameful and disgusting to think Direct TV would decide what we can and cant watch. Why don't you get rid off CNN Fake news? The American people need to stand up to freedom of speech our first amendment and fight for our God given rights. The channels you offer are so bad for our young minds and now you take away the actual one channel that tells the news. Stay out of POLITICS and focus on finding some family channels that are acceptable for the young minds.
Go Brandon!!!
good riddance.
New Member
31 Messages
3 years ago
semockru - try KloudTV. I have live the base KloudTV account and get OAN, same as on DirecTV but for $2.50 a month.
New Member
4 Messages
3 years ago
So your going to cut the only REAL NEWS channel (OANN) off, why?
New Member
6 Messages
3 years ago
What about OAN? Don’t care about any other programs. This is one of the best programs you carry. And don’t want to loose it.
New Member
2 Messages
3 years ago
We plan to drop DTV April 4 if DTV drops OAN as planned. Does anyone know if negotiations are still open?
New Member
11 Messages
3 years ago
My favorite as well! I plan to stream OANN from their app if directv gets rid of OANN. They are part of this ridiculous cancel culture. If I need to pay for OANN streaming, then I plan to dump directv, and go to all streaming services
New Member
2 Messages
3 years ago
Why is Direct TV dropping One America News?
It’s a great network!
New Member
11 Messages
3 years ago
My favorite as well! I plan to stream OANN from their app if directv gets rid of OANN. They are part of this ridiculous cancel culture. If I need to pay for OANN streaming, then I plan to dump directv, and go to all streaming services.