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Will Directv Mount on a 3 Story roof
The only real possible way to get a clear line of sight would be able to mount it on my roof witch is a 3 story townhouse will the install tech climb that high
DIRECTV Equipment
A story and then some questions.
I'll start my story, and then at the end I'd like to ask a few questions that I would publicly like to be answered. We'll start on 04/23/2014 I ordered a wireless reciever online. I called to cancel my home phone since I find we -never- use it as all three members of our household have AT&T cell
U-verse TV Account
Customer service horror story
I will try to be brief. Two months ago, police showed up at my home stating they were responding to a distress call. There was no call initiated from our end, so we called ATT and advised them of the potential crossed line. Over the next two months, I have had several technicians visit my home and f
U-verse TV Account
Same story
Well, wish I would have known about this forum before going with ATT Direct Steam and purchasing a new Samsung 65" Q80 TV for my finished basement. I have a direct ethernet connection and still getting quite a bit of the black screen, spinning and picture returns after about 4-5 seconds. Very
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Official Solution
American Horror Story
Why is the finale of Apocalypse not playing? I'm paying for this and can't even finish the season.
Watching U-verse TV
Cancellation Horror story
I called and canceled my direct tv service in January 25, 2021 and was given a cancellation number. Direct tv still billed me for one month of service after I sent the equipment back via UPS on February 1, 2021 and cancelled the service January 25, 2021. It is one big scam led by Direct tv. Y
An interesting story about the RCA DRD435RH
I just posted this review at Amazon of the RCA DRD435RH receiver, which I've used without major issue since 2002. If you have one or more of these, maybe you should keep an eye on it:>>I got this unit to use with DirecTV in 2002. It performed very well. Occasionally, it crashed, and had to be unplug
DIRECTV Equipment
I canceled my Uverse account when I moved in 2012. We later got a bill for $161. When we called in we were told to disregard the amount, it was not due. Then when I try to buy a house this year, there's a $161 collection for Uverse from AFNI collection agency. My broker says to ignore it because it'
U-verse TV Account
Sony Bravia XBR - no app in goggle play story
Migrated from my DIRECTV sat to DIRECTVstream today. Surprised to find NO app in the google store....whats with that? It's possible to cast from your phone to the SONY TV, but that is very inconvenient. The image does not always scale to full screen. Think twice about DIRECTV stream if
Why is American Horror Story Apocalypse showing on my iPhone Uverse App (on Demand) but not my TV?
I tried searching for it every possible way on TV and it will not show up. On my phone, it's right there. I added it to my "watchlist" and "favorites" but they doesn't seem to even appear on the tv menus. The first 2 episodes are available On Demand on my phone, but nothing is available on TV ex
Watching U-verse TV
My dish is on second story facing of roof and need to be replaced for hd .
At&t installer say he can not go on the roof. what can I do? I understand it needs to be replaced by the end of this year. (2006) customer.
DIRECTV Equipment
The most bewildering and negative customer service experience I have ever had. {long story}
Okay, I'll try to keep this short, but I want to tell the full story with all of the details to make this this clear, and I am expecting that someone from AT&T (preferably a department head / senior manager) will be informed of this message. We've been customers with AT&T for a long time. Multiple c
U-verse TV Account
How can I obtain a larger splitter?
Long story short....after a HUGE debacle on initial setup about installing a new room in a two story house. I finally got the additional line run to that additional room, but now another issue....the install tech did not leave me with a splitter large enough to accomodate all my receivers. I current
DIRECTV Equipment
Filling a complaint with Texas Utility Commision
I am filing a complaint with the Utility Comisson of Texas. Long story short, been three weeks, called thirty times, talked to 30 people over seas, rude and lied too, promised phone calls, Etc. Att should be ashamed! I know I am just a nobody, but when my contract is up I will be pulling all my s
U-verse TV Equipment
Moving a receiver
I am amoving a receiver from one side of the room to another and had hoped to splice in the attic space and run additional cable across the room. I called Directv and they suggested a whole new run. Due to second story issues, it looks like my best option is a rather long (100 ft.) outdoor run. For
DIRECTV Equipment
madmack3 posted his success story here ...
What equipment is need to complete my installation and does the pdf mention the correct equipment
Currently I have the following:HR22-100 with two input cables - the second cable had to be installed from the dish to the receiverH21-100 with one input cableHughes SD-DVR40 with one input cable (decided not to connect the second cable due to it being located in the far end of my home)Note: The latt
Same story with me make me sick
Reward card scam
Judging from the posts, I am not the only one taken in. There was supposed to be a $200 reward card for originally signing up. It never arrived. A phone call informed me that it took a couple of months to process....piffle. A second call resulted in an apology for no card and by way of recompens
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Official Solution
Need help with adding a router to an existing Uverse setup
Hello - long story but I will try to keep it short. I need to add a router to my computers built-in Ethernet port. I use Uverse wireless for Internet - my Dell has both the wireless and the built-in Ethernet ports. Once the router is connected I loose the Internet. If I hover my pointer over the wir
U-verse TV Account
There are 100's of posts on the issue with Samsung. Story has been told 100's of time. No need to repeat the same sad story over and over. There is no fix - get an external device --- laughing!
3 years ago
to the conversation:
Samsung TV Blur and DirecTV app Shutdown
Have 2 new Samsung QLED TVs, all fully updated firmware and software, 400mbps speed, even tried connecting to ethernet. On all three, the DirecTV channels take up to 20 seconds to clear up and the app randomly shuts down a few times an hour. Suggestions?