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double play
How do I stop double play? Also, how do I switch one of the double play choices? If I begin double play, and change my mind, the only way I have found to disable it is to try to record something on another channel. This brings up a cancel double play option. As for switching the choices, I've been f
DIRECTV Equipment
double play
I set my DVR up and it did not register the double play feature. Now I am trying to record something and have to watch it. How do I turn the double play on after installation?
DIRECTV Equipment
Double Play
So my Double Play feature is not working properly. I'll try using the double play by hitting down arrow twice and tuning to both programs I want but when I try to toggle between it will go to a totally different ch I was never watching (in this instance 201 Sport Schedule) and the ch I pressed the d
DIRECTV Equipment
Double Play
How can I change the channel of the double play after i put 2 channels on it? anyone know
DIRECTV Equipment
Number buttons double
The number buttons at the bottom of the remote control double when pushed. No matter how gently or quickly the button is pushed, the number comes up twice. Push 3 and you get 33. Once the numbers are up, it's almost impossible to get rid of the double number.
DIRECTV Equipment
Double billed
I've been double billed. My choice package is $74.40 + regional sports charge $5.09 . That's 79.49. Also tv access fee $7.00 and IN state sales tax $10.90. For a grand total of $97.39. But my bill was $170.80. Called customer service and get hung up on or put on hold . I've been a direct TV custom
Accepted Solution
Double Play Not Recording
When I start double play by hitting the down arrow twice and entering another channel number, I can switch between the two channels with the down arrow, but nothing is recorded. Instead I just get live realtime TV on both channels. Isn't it supposed to pause each channel at the point in time where I
DIRECTV Equipment
Double Play Feature
How do you turn off the Double Play feature on an HR-22/100?
DIRECTV Equipment
Double Play
How exactly does double play work? Every time I try, it automatically changes the channel to channel 1 and doesn't seem to work. Am I doing something wrong?
DIRECTV Equipment
Double billef
I was charged double for my direct tv for over a year. I didn’t realize it because it was charged to two different cards. I sent the dispute forms by certified mail on February 10,2021 and have heard nothing back
Double Charged For State Taxes
Has anyone else received a double charge on their ATT bill this month?
U-verse TV Account
Double play
I am having issues with audio while using double play. Everything is fine on one tuner, but when I switch to the other tuner, to watch the 2nd program, there is no audio. I have tried this on several channels and still have no audio. When I first start doubleplay, I have audio on both programs. I
DIRECTV Equipment
Double Play
I cannot get the Double Play to work! I hit the down arrow, it says "select another channel", and then when I hit it again, it selects its own channel--I can't get it to let me pick what the 2nd channel will be. I tried doing it from the guide, and that doesn't work either. Anyone have any sugges
DIRECTV Equipment
Double Plaey
I can't seem to get Double Play to work properly. I've tried hitting the down arrow once and then tuning to my other desired station and hitting the down arrow again, as well as hitting the down arrow twice on the first channel and then attempting to go to the second channel. In both cases, it alway
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Double Play no picture on second channel
I get no picture on the second channel while using double play on the living room TV. Sound but no picture. The bedroom TV is working good with picture and sound on both channels while using double play.
DIRECTV Equipment
Double Play on SD DVRs?
Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse...Is Double Play something that is only available for HD DVRs?Thanks
DIRECTV Equipment
double image on tv screen
Storm knocked down fiber optic line. Att tech replaced line and restored service, TV now has a double image on screen
Watching U-verse TV
Double billed
I have had nothing but problems with ATT billing over the past 60 days. My account was double billed in September 2016. Refund was issued, but added to my October 2016 bill.I have disputed the charge with my credit card company. November bill now reflects a doubling of my October bill. I am being ov
U-verse TV Account
Double Play
Recently, my service was upgraded to include double play. the way it's promoted is that you can watch two programs at once. This is not even remotely true. It actually allows you to switch between two programs by hitting the down arrow on the remote. You can pause, play, and fast forward through eit
DIRECTV Equipment