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Starz 3D onDemand - Guardians of the Galaxy (where is the non-CC version?)
UVerse customer in North Canton, OH and a Starz subscriber...when i go to UVerse onDemand and Starz 3D there is only the 'CC' Closed Captioning copy of Guardians of the Galaxy 3D...I know there should be 'CC' and one without 'CC' there any way to see about getting this fixed and the n
Watching U-verse TV
Cleveland Guardians
Receiver needs an update to change the Cleveland Indians to Cleveland Guardians to allow "MY TEAMS" to work
DIRECTV Equipment
Galaxy S10+
I have the Galaxy S10+ and when I try to live stream on the U-verse app it just freezes up. I’ve tried re-installing the app and it still freezes> is there some way to fix the issue?
Watching U-verse TV
Currently recording live sports auto-delete, poof, gone during the recording.
I set my Genie to record a Guardians MLB game, it starts recording, around 90 minutes after the start of the game I'll select the recording and start watching the game from the beginning. After about 60 minutes of watching 'all' recordings of the Guardians MLB games disappear, poof, gone. The
Watching DIRECTV
Samsung Galaxy s7 not compatible with app
Hi,I just bought the Samsung Galaxy s7 and when i tried to download the uverse app it said that my device is not compatible with this version ( i never had a problem before with my Samsung Galaxy s5)
Watching U-verse TV
Directv app for Samsung Galaxy Tab
Where can I find Directv app for a Samsung Galaxy Tablet 10
Watching DIRECTV
Galaxy S7 streaming- Error Code QP1507
I am trying to watch a show on demand on my Galaxy S7 and I am receiving the message" Playack is not allowed becuase the deivce is not secure (QP1507). What does that meand and how do I fix this?
Watching U-verse TV
Digital Galaxy DG-737 Projector
I purchased a Digital Galaxy DG-737 Projector about a month ago. It is not listed on the remote codes page. I have tried to manually search for it using the remote and pressing the channel up button. Still no luck. I contacted the manufacturer, and they gave me the remote code for the projector.
DIRECTV Equipment
Guys, There are plenty of people who own the GALAXY VIEW tablet. This is a tablet that was sold and marketed to Directv customerswith exclusive access to DIRECTV APP. The app is BUILT INTO the operating system. (Again DIRECTV/ATT Tablet - $800.00) Model SM-T677A - Android 5.0 Dir
Watching DIRECTV
Uverse app not working on Galaxy S10+ phone
Hi there:)I have recently upgraded to a Galaxy S10+ phone. I am having issues with the Uverse app and this phone, especially when it comes to watching live TV. The app will play for about 30 seconds, at most, then buffer and either freeze the screen with audio or some channels will get a playback
Watching U-verse TV
Uverse App on Galaxy Tab E Lite 7.0
I have been trying to use my Galaxy Tablet, E Lite 7.0 SM-T113 to login and use the Uverse app. I have two of them and on both, I get, unable to connect to the server at this time, please try again later. I can connect just fine on the mobile phones, but not the app. Since ATT still has not resolved
Watching U-verse TV
Directv App Galaxy S2 Tablet issues
The app was working a few days ago, Although some of playlist was missing. Now tablet (Samsung Galaxy S2, model SM-T810) won't connect to DVR (HR 54 Genie). I've uninstalled reinstalled, twice! It does work on my Moto Z4 cell, now. I unstalled reinstalled there too. While trying to connect on
Watching DIRECTV
Uverse Temporailly unavailable on my Galaxy S6
I have a Galaxy S6. I have logged onto Uverse before and sometimes have had this problem. Sometimes it works. I have cleared cache. uninstalled and reinstalled the app. Changed passwords. Nothing is working. This seems to be a common problem for the past 5 years among many users and I am really
Watching U-verse TV
Why did the DVR cut off the 10th inning from the Yankees / Guardians playoff game?
Watched four hours and 1 minute of the game before it ended at the top of the 10th. Would like to see the conclusion. Are you guys going to fix that or is it lost forever?
Samsung Galaxy View incompatible with Directv Stream app
I have 2 - Samsung Galaxy Views (2017 model) that were purchased only to use ATT Now/Directv Stream. I use in both homes I own as the only "TV" to watch. After the update to Directv Stream, it says app is no longer compatible with device. Is this temporary? Permanent? If so, it negates my need for t
DIRECTV STREAM Setup & Equipment
How to stop AT&T TV Service pop up message on Samsung Galaxy S5 phone
Each time I open/start my Samsung Galaxy S5 cell phone, a pop up message appears:Set your home TV Service to AT&T.How can I stop this pop up message? I already have AT&T U-Verse for my cable TV service.
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Uverse app notifications of free previews
Every once in a while, the Uverse app pops up a notification on my phone about a free preview. The notification is truncated, but when I click on the notification, it opens the Uverse app and clears the notification. How can I see the full notification? I've tried searching for ways to view old noti
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Part of The Menu is cut off of the screen
Hi. Part of the menu is cut off of the screen and i dont know how to fix it, and its really hard to navigate through On Demand. On the Guide its cuts off the channel name(like the 3-5 letter abreviation of the channel) and the time at the time is cut off to and i would really like to know how to fix
U-verse TV Equipment
unable to use the remote feature in the uverse tv app
i currently have a galaxy note 9 and just got uverse tv not even 5 days ago and according to the app it was last updated on July 15th, 2019. the app version # is any ideas as to why i'm unable to use the remote feature in the uverse tv app?
Watching U-verse TV
I'm having the exact same issue with Guardians MLB games. It's very frustrating. I'm loosing 90% of the games right now. Guess we'll see what's up come the Aug 'fix'.
8 months ago
to the conversation:
It keeps happening. It did it again. MLB recording deleted at the end of the time block.
I worked a fourteen hour day yesterday. The MLB game I wanted to watch was a day game. Since I was working, I recorded it. I finally get home after a very long day and my game isn't in the list. I go to the recording manager, and sure enough, it was recorded but then deleted at the end of the ti