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Source input screen
How can I clear the source input screen once I select a source, such as HDMI 2 or HDMI 4??
Watching U-verse TV
No Source
2 mornings in a row now, when I power up my receiver and TV I get the message, "No Source - HDMI1 - check connections". The only way I have found to resolve it is to reset my receiver. Is it time for a new receiver?
DIRECTV Equipment
Source option not working.
I used my source option on my samsung remote to get to Roku but it's not working now for some reason. I used it once since i went to U-Verse tv and it worked the first time but tried it tonight and it wouldn't work so i had to use source option on front of tv so any suggestions on what i can do to f
Watching U-verse TV
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Official Solution
source list when changing input
When I change input to go from tv to roku or vice-versa the source list remains on the screen for quite some time before disapearing. How can I get it off at the time I change input.
Watching U-verse TV
Direct tv source has disappeared
We were watching a dvd. Then went to turn it back to the direct tv source and it has disappeared making us unable to watch tv.
Watching DIRECTV
source content copy protected
I have a R15 DVR , connected to both my television and my dvd recorder. If and when I try to record from the R15 to my dvd recorder I get a message telling me that recording has stopped and the source content is copy protected. Help.
DIRECTV Equipment
Change HDMI source using remote
Just added Chromecast to my Sony Bravia. Worked great! Then realized that I couldn't change the source back to HDMI 1 to watch TV (and risked missing Sunday NFL, no less!).The TV, TV/Video combination didn't work on the remote (S10-S4) . So, checked the following:1) I have another TV connected to Uv
U-verse TV Equipment
Blue screen on "Live TV" source
For the last week or so I have been getting a blue screen on the "Live TV" source only. I am able to stream video using my AT&T internet on my Samsung TV. I have tried rebooting, but it still persists. I really would like a human to guide me through the fix. Any suggest
U-verse TV Equipment
Red X 1 and no HDMI options on source screen
Got the new 8010 receiver and have had problems ever since. Plugged in a dvr player from the other tv and it worked. Did all the different reboots with 2 different reps on the phone to no avail. Keeps going back to the Red X 1 screen and still no hdmi 1,2, or 3 on the source screen on this Samsung&
U-verse TV Equipment
My new Samsung 8K tv keeps losing source connection to directtv thru my new receiver
Directtv box is hooked up thru my new receiver which is hooked up to new 8K tv. The tv keeps losing source connection and then will come back a minute later
DIRECTV Equipment
How to move up when selecting a video source on the remote?
When pressing the button on the s30 remote control, you can press it again to select the next video source. But if you want the one right above where you are you have to press the button many time to cycle to it. Is there a way to just go up 1 to the source right above your current selection?
Watching U-verse TV
Source for Volume
A while back I switched the volume control for AV1 to be controlled by the TV. I have a DVD player hooked up to AV1 that has a volume control. I changed a setting in the remote control so that I can be switched onto AV1 but the volume button changes the TV volume. I now want to switch it back to
DIRECTV Equipment
why is my DirectTV box saying source?
My Directvt box starting saying source after working thenight before , why?
DIRECTV Equipment
Need Remote Code For Polaroid TV ( Model # 32GSR3000FC )
Hi, I recently purchased tv, I'm using a AT&T S10-S4 remote..I've tried all of the code's shown for this brand, some of them actually power off & on the tv. So far though, none of them will allow me to select the source on the tv ( HDMI-1, HDMI-2, HDMI-3, etc. etc. ) surely there must be a code avai
U-verse TV Equipment
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diagnostic code
what is diagnostic code 51-055
DIRECTV Equipment
tv code
My direct tv remote, RC64 will not scan a code for my Tv , Fisher LC 60LE630U. Does anyone have a code for tat TV
DIRECTV Equipment
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UVM-1001 Error Code
U-verse app starts right up on my iPad, then shuts off after 15-20 seconds with error code UVM-1001. It was working fine until yesterday. What is this code and how to fix it?
Watching U-verse TV
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Official Solution
Code 201
When trying to sign into Uverse on a fire to i get Care Code 201
U-verse TV Account