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Since they're trying to purge Uverse customers, I would think that they would offer DIRECTV or DirecTV Stream....not Uverse.
How to find out if a address is Uverse territory
Hello I'm a Uverse user at my last address and want to know the best way to find out if the new place can get your service. Thank you, Terria (Edited as per community guidelines) [email scrubbed] (Edited as per community guidelines)
Accepted Solution
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What is the process or save my DVR recording shows. I need to purge my DVR to make more storage space. Thanks!
U-verse TV Equipment
Update: After a reset and unplugging the receiver for a minute (and a 15-minute restart)... no change. Waiting on further updates. At this point, I'm wondering if there's a way to purge the downloaded schedule (but not what I currently HAVE sched
Search not finding anything beyond a week out
So, I was scanning things on my schedule for recording to record them later (because I'm a bit short of space). All of the revealed alternative showings are showing up until June 11th. I thought that was suspicious, so I went into the guide and looked at the 12th and 13th. Several of th
DVR purged my saved programs
On this past Sunday 8/20 my all of my saved programs were purged off. Is there a reasonable answer, and can they be restored ? I received a message that my internet connection went down but I had no problem with Netflix for the next hour.
U-verse TV Equipment
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watch movies at the theater
How do I go about going to the movies theater to watch a movie for free
Watching DIRECTV
Yes, I was very glad that AT&T finally got the urge to purge Urge. Music Choice is a much better product than Urge, but Pandora would be better still. Yet, I have Pandora on my BluRay player, so I don't really need it on my STB.The Party app seems
how to create music choice playlists with U-verse
According to support content: "The Music Choice app gives customers more music choices with up to 46 music channels. The redesigned interface lets you personalize your music, store favorite channels, create your own music and video playlists, and search the library. You can access Music Choice
Faulty new software in HR10 and recently deleted folder?
DTV has downloaded more faulty software. They recently did this to another receiver in our home and it took months and many, many consumer complaints for them to admit the problem and fix it. Now the latest software in my HR10-250 has caused it to lockup continually and require constant resetting. W
DIRECTV Equipment
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How could you change payment due dates to the first of themonth?
Social Security disability allotments aren't posted until the first of the month. Is this a ploy to increase your revenue by having your disabled customers incur late-payment charges? For shame. AT&T.
U-verse TV Account
Direct TV has gotten rid of OAN One America News Network. So, after all these years since Direct TV started business, Good ridance Direct TV. Good riddance forever! We don't do sencership. Funny you didn't get rid of the far left Networks CNN, MSN, A
DIRECTV dropping OANN?
How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN? They do not lie! The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives! My husband and I will be
They don't purge the history or existence of the account. People can still request old bills or get info for collection agencies when they had something outstanding. It is after 2 years they cannot reinstate the account even if it was left in good st
Subscription history
No longer have directv but had nfl Sunday ticket a few years ago. Where can I document my account t history
Is there anyone working in the Identity Theft Depatment?
We are currently on our third round of attempting to reach someone in the Identity Theft Department. I am in hour two of what seems like eternal hold, while my wife had spent a total of six hours on two separate occasions to try to reach this mysterious department. I called the AT&T Uverse Fraud lin
U-verse TV Account
Anyone in the United States work there?
Is there any way to speak to management? I do not want to be offensive however I can not understand whatever language customer service representative is speaking. And I need some answers.
U-verse TV Account
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Can I get directv installed in my vacation home and only pay for it for the months that I am there?
Can I get directv installed in my vacation home and only pay for it for the months that I am there?
The HT-IS100 BRAVIA theater micro system volume code
Looking for a remote code so I can use my Direct TV remote to change the volume on my SONY Surround Sound system. Every SONY code from Direct TV I have tried only controls the TV volume, which I have turned off, since I hooked up the theater system. Must be a code for the surround sound volume I can
DIRECTV Equipment
For me, pressing the Forward of the Forward/Replay button now shuttles ahead and then jumps/skips ahead.Rebootting/restarting the DVR has no effect on "fixing" this bug. Given some of the other replies in this thread, it would seem that the recent DV
DVR skip increments changed?
Were the forward and back DVR skips changed with the 2.4.29140.12 STB firmware update?Mine seems to have gone from 20 seconds forward and 10 seconds back to 30+ forward and 5 back, which makes it very easy to go too far, then backing up is tedious.For the sake of familial harmony, can this be fixed?
theft I will be reporting to the BBB
if auto pay wasn't canceled it would of came out on July 1st not July 29th yall stole out my account that I canceled
receiver won't initialize - hanging at the "Almost there" display
We had some bad weather around here today and had loss of power for less than a minute this morning.Since that time my HR-22 DVR won't initialize. It gets to the "Almost there. A few more seconds please" display and just hangs forever. First tried hitting the reset, then powering off for one minute,
DIRECTV Equipment
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Official Solution
The movies on Hallmark are choppy and make you almost motion sick watching them.
The movies on Hallmark are choppy and make you almost motion sick watching them. I have direct tv and no other channels do this. Why?
Watching DIRECTV
How Disney’s ‘Hamilton’ movie might change the film and theater industries
Disney is bringing moviegoers to the room where it happened. Specifically, to the Richard Rodgers Theatre in New York City for a performance of "Hamilton" with the original Broadway cast.The show's producers announced Monday that Lin-Manuel Miranda's musical juggernaut will be released in movie thea
It will purge in 9 months anyway. Have you tried removing from another device.
10 months ago
to the conversation:
Can't remove or watch from Continue Watching
Can't remove or watch from Continue Watching as it was a show from a channel that had a free preview weekend. I don't have the channel it was from so I can't fast forward through it to clear it from the list. Any suggestions?