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new customer, what're the odds dtv waives installation on internet connection...
Given they set up whole house DVR and the tech lead me to believe i would have access to on demand after he was done. I didn't know I'd need a seperate adaptor for my router. Don't mind paying for the device, not sure why it wasn't done while he was here.
Watching DIRECTV
It is always possible that the SWM8 module is bad but the odds are against it, up to you to get another one or go back to the way it was or call, PM/DM DTV for a tech $99 unless you have the protection plan.
errors on sat 103 odd transponders with new SWM installation
I have a very old setup and have just now installed an 8 Channel SWM into it. I have an HR-24 receiver and a R-22 (HR-22 hybrid) receiver which previously each received 2 coax lines directly from the dish. Almost everything appears to be working with the new SWM installation, except that I am
Large tree pushing against phone lines and Pole
There is a large tree pushing against a phone line pole and land making the Pole lean it is on the right of way to me looks like. I need to find someone to get me in contact with whoever trimmed the trees all of these phone lines no
U-verse TV Account
That'd be a change over the past 10+ years that I've had this setup. Why it goes to a "Loading" screen rather than a "Too Bad for You" screen is still odd for the scenario you describe. On the surface, the odds of your guess are most likely, but tho
Live Sports Cut Away
I pay for the NHL games. In the last couple of weeks, as soon as the NHL game is over I don't get the postgame show on the local sports network that I also pay for via my SportsPack (635-1/MSG). The screen goes to a "loading" screen. It says to call if I've reached that screen in error.
@lindaw76107 - Post your TV model & I will look up the manual. If your TV has multiple inputs, it should have a menu to select the input to view. The three methods are - Use arrows to navigate the menu click an input button to cycle through the inp
Best way to hook up Roku 2
I have roku 2 connected to my Sanyo tv via hdmi cable for port 2. I don't see an input choice on my tv through the uverse receiver for hdmi2, only hdmi 1 that my receiver is hooked up to that provides my uverse tv service. What do i need to do? If I disconnect the hdmi cable from the receiver wil
How do I file a complaint against a DIRECTV employee
I would like to know how to file a complaint against a DIRECTV employee
Do you mean you have two sets of STB/TV & you want to tune them both to the same channel.Yes, you can do that, but it is unlikely that they will be exactly in synch. It could happen by accident, but the odds are against you. If you want to have two T
Want to watch same program on multiple tv's
How do I get the same program to play on two tv's? It did it once by accident, but I can't
compliant against AT&T
I have been with AT&T for years. Little did I know they could take money from me. It happened....beware ! A few days ago, my bank had a draft from AT&T which I had not authorized/ It was a large amount. This draft meant I would have insufficient funds & other bills would start bouncing. I do
U-verse TV Account
Thanks, hadn't thought about the trees, they've probably grown a little in the last 5 years. I'll check that out. I read another thread about all zeroes on the 101 odd transponders being likely due to a bad cable/connector from the LNB as they all th
771 searching for satellite
Successful installation for >5 years, lately with both receivers picture has been breaking up every now and then and displaying "Searching for Satellite (771)" message. As of yesterday, this seems to have become permanent. Reset both receivers, but no improvement. All connections appear to be nice a
See the odd numbered transponders on the 101 missing? Those require a higher voltage than the odds do. I'd normally say you have a loose, corroded or wet coax connector somewhere. However, if all of your receivers are exactly the same than I'd say
will not receive satellite info
After reseting the receiver it starts up, diagnostic test, checks disk, and searchs for satellite signal seemingly OK,but then it won't receive satellite info... stays stuck on 0% complete.Any ideas of what to check first?
probably yes. But we don;'t know why he does not like the genie. Odds are the HR24 will have the same issues.
Change Receivers
I have DirecTV with Genie (I do not like Genie) Does DirecTV have other receivers that I can use?
No, he listed five DVRs.....ten tuners in total.If it's a cable you should see half the 103ca transponders (either odds or evens).
Zinwell WB616 Discontinued
I have a system with a Zinwell wb616 multiswitch. The multiswitch is bad and not allowing all the satellite signalc to pass thru. I checked to see if all the sats had a signal before the switch and they do , but not after the switch 103 is missing. How and what do i get a replacement for this switch
@shannon02 Why would 2 channels suddenly stop working? are they the only 2 channnels on one satellite? I also have 3 dishes and the channels stopped working on all 3 . what are the odds 3 dishes on different parts of the house all had reallignment
256 hD and 356 HD error 771
This has been going on for a couple weeks.. all the other channels are fine.. I see people on multiple reports with the same issue? How do we get it resolved?
Even with providers that are in active support/operation, the odds are still great the customer would get a refurbished piece of equipment.
What do I have to do to have someone stop my U-verse TV from freezing?
So far, no one from AT&T has been able to stop my U-verse TV signal from freezing! It started weeks ago when my "older" DVR receiver stopped working. I called Technical Support and they shipped me another receiver. I installed it and my TV worked again. However, the signal per
Evens Only
I'm setting up an SL3 dish to use for RVing. It seems to be working except that I get only the even transponders on 101, all the odds show zero signal. The evens are all in the 90's. The other sats show signal levels similar to the permanent dish on both even and odds. Is this an aiming issue? Or a
DIRECTV Equipment
if it's only on ABC odds are its a problem at the station and they are not sending the front channel audio correctly
Sound only coming from rear speakers on ABC
I only have sound coming out of my rear channel speakers while watching ABC in Austin Texas. This problem happens on the stream box and Apple TV 4K.
your signals are a tad bit low on the 99 and 103 satellites, but the main problem is that you are missing the ODDS transponder on the 103 sat. since is happening on all receivers, I suspect that you might have a bad LNB. Best to call DTV and sche
Half of my channels are searching for a signal in either 1 or 2. We do not have anything hooked up to two and have done all of the troubleshooting steps. Here are the transponder reading... 1-8 95 95 95 0 95 98 95 999-16 95 95 95 0 96 99 93 9917-24 94 0 95 0 95 99 91 9825-32 86 100 85 0 95 98 90 99T
Odds are against a faulty remote but that is why there are odds as it can happen. The remote setup guides are pretty generic so don't cover everything.
10 months ago
to the conversation:
Loss of functionality with Genie RC73B remote
Here's my system: REMOTE: RC 73B (Genie)RECEIVER: HR54-500AUDIO: VSX-47TX (Pioneer)TV: UN60FH6003FXZA (Samsung) My original RC73 worked fine. I could turn the TV and and off by toggling the "ON" button of the remote (and not affect the receiver). Now, with the RC73B, I can turn the TV on with "ON"