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Alaska Dish Questions
I just purchased an Alaska Dish with the DTVAHKAKU, and the AZ/EL Mount. I need to know a couple of things. Will I need to use a SWM to get the guide? What will I miss by not seeing 110 and 118 satellites? I really don't want to put up a second dish. I am mostly interested in the HD and the 3D c
DIRECTV Equipment
Dose the free movers deal include alaska
Dose the free movers deal include alaska. i belive the dish setup for alaska is differnt than the lower 48!!! I am also confused as to why directv would refer me over to dish network for a move.. what's the programming like is it the same as the lower 48???
DIRECTV Equipment
Alaska 1.2M dish and guide data
Does the Alaska 1.2M dish fitted with the specified LNB (DTVAHKAKUKIT) for 99/101/103 still require that it be paired with a dish that receives 119 for guide data? The threads here and on other forums that I have read on this topic seem to predate the 3 LNB Slimline which apparently gets the data l
DIRECTV Equipment
Requirements to receive programing in Alaska
We have a motor home and travel around the country using a portable 5lnb dish hooked to a HD dvr. I have no problem getting signal in the continental US but next summer we are going to Alaska and when we were there in 2007 we could not receive signal(using a none HD system and a 20" dish). I have re
DIRECTV Equipment
Receiving DirecTV in Alaska from an RV.
I am planning on buying a mobile home, so that I can travel around the country. One of the places I intend to go is Alaska.Is it possible to receive DirecTV, in Alaska, from an RV (I know that special equipment is required to receive DirecTV in Alaska).Thanks.
DIRECTV Equipment
guide data not updating in alaska
It seems we get this 920 error randomly on all three of the receivers. Some days more than others. They have been doing it since we subscribed to Directv in 2008. Not a big deal but somewhat annoying. Seems like we have noticed if we get the error and acknowledge it, and then want to watch a PP
DIRECTV Equipment
Sunday NFL Ticket Doesn't work while away from home
I have the Sunday NFL Ticket app installed on my iPad and it works fine when I am at home but not while traveling. I work half the time away from home in Alaska (Home is in Arizona) and when I am in Alaska I cannot view any games. I keep getting an error message telling me that "it looks like I am t
Watching DIRECTV
One example...if you search Ice Airport Alaska on the Osprey box---the series page says 4k....Smithsonian channel
Update: DIRECTV STREAM Will Add 4K Video This Year
Details at
I'm glad texasbrit got involved in I said, I'm no expert in Alaska requirements, but he's the best.
Alaska Dish Questions
I just purchased an Alaska Dish with the DTVAHKAKU, and the AZ/EL Mount. I need to know a couple of things. Will I need to use a SWM to get the guide? What will I miss by not seeing 110 and 118 satellites? I really don't want to put up a second dish. I am mostly interested in the HD and the 3D c
There are none as DTV is not allowed to broadcast outside the US. Alaska and Hawaii have to use larger dishes to receive DTV.
Caribbean and Eastern Pacific DirecTV Coverage
Greetings, I am the Supply Officer aboard Coast Guard Cutter Mohawk. We generally deploy and patrol in the Caribbean and Eastern Pacific. When we go south of Cuba, we lose our signal. What are our options to increase the coverage area when going south? -Kevin
You said choices. Having OAN in Alaska or Florida is the same based on the service. This conversation is out of context now and has no more value. Have a good night! I am done.
DIRECTV dropping OANN?
How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN? They do not lie! The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives! My husband and I will be
The LNB that I have is the KU/KA for the Alaska dish. It receives 99 101 103. There is four coax out on the bottom and two on the side for 110 and 119. Thanks for your help!
Alaska Dish Questions
I just purchased an Alaska Dish with the DTVAHKAKU, and the AZ/EL Mount. I need to know a couple of things. Will I need to use a SWM to get the guide? What will I miss by not seeing 110 and 118 satellites? I really don't want to put up a second dish. I am mostly interested in the HD and the 3D c
HGTV is still available ON DEMAND. Yes, the programs available are very limited (Living Alaska and Rehab Addict) but it's still there. While I love HGTV, I never watched the OD version. Were there more programs available in the past?
I am so upset that HGTV is no longer on demand. Is it going to go away completely or just on demand? I will be changing providers if that is the case. I love everything about u-verse except your on demand. You have no choices compared to Comcast and as much as I don't like them they are offering gre
No, this is the Alaska dish, part of a two-dish system. One dish receives 99/101/103 and the other dish (that connects to the first dish) receives 110/119. The only way you can use the 99/101/103 dish on its own is to connect it via four cables to an
Alaska Dish Questions
I just purchased an Alaska Dish with the DTVAHKAKU, and the AZ/EL Mount. I need to know a couple of things. Will I need to use a SWM to get the guide? What will I miss by not seeing 110 and 118 satellites? I really don't want to put up a second dish. I am mostly interested in the HD and the 3D c
AFAIK Alaska and Hawaii use a bigger dish and since the movers deal requires only taking the receivers to the new home then it should apply and AFAIK DTV sends the same national channels to all customers with only the locals and RSNs change.
Dose the free movers deal include alaska
Dose the free movers deal include alaska. i belive the dish setup for alaska is differnt than the lower 48!!! I am also confused as to why directv would refer me over to dish network for a move.. what's the programming like is it the same as the lower 48???
Right on ! abc has been sending out a high pitched screaming for days . It screams for about 10 seconds then broadcasts normally for a random 20 or 30 seconds then screams for 10 seconds. What is wrong with abc ? did they forget to pay their satitili
Background noise on ABC channel only
We haven't watched anything on ABC for months, until this Tuesday when we excitedly tuned in for the season premiere of Lost. We noticed right away a whirring? mechanical? sound in the background throughout the entire show, commercials, etc. It dropped only occasionally on very rare commercials? The
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How to change the Time Zone for The Guide
Hello My guide is in EST so every show is on 4 hours earlier is there a way to change the guides time zone to Alaska time. I have all the location settings turned on and my billing address is correct. I do get the local channels but all the other channels are on EST. Thanks
@debra8595 wrote: the reason is that i don't like the weekly test I do not like it either, especially when we have our Surround Sound on. Scares the Bejesus out of our Golden Retriever. I do like it that with our area, it always shows Alaska as p
emergency alert system weekly test
i recently seen a weekly test of the emergency alert system it happend twice today the first time it happens around 12:20 and then later at 3:00 or 3:10 it scared me it popped up with a banner on the screen i guessed a Special Packet with the text ***REQUIRED WEEKLY TEST*** on the screen on the sec
i saw another Emergency alert system test again and it still has the state of Alaska in it this appears to be a glitch all the time and AT&T U-verse is not available in the state of Alaska
11 years ago
to the conversation:
emergency alert system weekly test
i recently seen a weekly test of the emergency alert system it happend twice today the first time it happens around 12:20 and then later at 3:00 or 3:10 it scared me it popped up with a banner on the screen i guessed a Special Packet with the text ***REQUIRED WEEKLY TEST*** on the screen on the sec