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U-Verse upgrade without financial burden

Hello, I am a long time U-Verse consumer and for the longest time I have been disappointed with the limited channels of U-family.  How can I get upgraded to U-200 from U-family without increasing the monthly expense?  (get U-200 at the U-family rate)






midiwall, you made one glaring error in your analysis. You suggested the playback burden be shifted to the client rather than the server as Directv designed it. Your solution will absolutely not work. When the programming is streamed from a DVR to a


15 years ago

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Wireless multi-room sharing

I have three DVR's, one hard wired, one powerline, and one wireless. The hardwired and powerline can see each other and share no problem. The wireless cannot get internet access. Question: since I am using WEP security, wouldn't I need to input the password to enable the wireless DVR to access my ho


@DIRECTVhelp Your suggestion to close my account and create a new one isn't going to work. I've been a streaming customer from the very beginning and my current plan is grandfathered. If I close my account and create a new one I will lose my plan. Yo


3 years ago

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Unauthorized User

Someone is using my streaming account without my permission. I've changed passwords twice to prevent them from using and they're still logged in on a TV. Other apps (HBOMax, Showtime apps, etc.) allow you to manage devices and log out but DirecTV Streaming/AT&T doesn't have this. How do I get th


@Andylegro That seems like the best choice, that would have been my recommendation. Obviously, checking your bill is extremely important (every month) but I do agree that DIRECTV putting the burden on you was an inconvenience. They should have deac

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Charged for direct TV receiver no longer have 2 years later

This sounds all to familiar to me. After calling in today due to my bill going up once again after a promotional period ended the very nice customer service person at DirecTV went over the boxes we had active in the house. That is where the nightmare began. We found that there was a receiver on my a


Thanks - I started the process, but I have to go to the Police Department and fill out a Police Report, for Direct TV to even investigate. Seems crazy - they are the ones that allowed an account to be opened without any verification of ID.  Eve


2 years ago

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Account not in my name

Someone set up a DircectTV account using my Social Security number, but an old address and a misspelled last name. I found the account is now cancelled, but owes $650.  I never signed up for this account, DirectTV never verified proper identification.  How can I get it removed, so it does


Does the Whole-Home communication data go through/interact/burden/put additional data load on my home router/network?

Does one burden the other? Or are they independent? Each box does show up when I map the entire system on my computer. So between computers and DVRs there are a bunch of "boxes" in my network now. My internet has slowed precipitously and I am trying to troublshoot the problem. Thanks. BTW, does conn






Thanks much Robert for your input. Actually, I got the model numbers reversed. The original DVR model that was buzzing is VIP 2250 the replacement model is VIP 2262. The new DVR VIP 2262 is experiencing the glitches by hesitating and skipping during

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Change from att DVR model VIP 2262 to VIP 2250 and having problems

DVR model VIP 2262 was beginning to buzz loudly. Att sent a replacement model VIP 2250. After experiencing glitches, stops and starts, I did the reset after reset thing with no improvement. Called ATT and they sent another replacement only to have the same problem with the 2nd replacement. Now ATT w


Been to that site... Says nothing. Found more info on local news; bothsides giving opposing story whose to blame; customer should not be inmiddle!As for antenna, they are not free.Will att buy us one? We live in Vegas... Reception not ideal.Absolutel

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Channels removed from DIRECTV lineup (January 2017)

I am done with Directv!!! I pay alot of money to have your service and you pull this crap!! I am tired of you putting the consumer in the middle of your fight with the local stations without any compensation for the days that we are without local channels.  Lucky that the Patriots are playing on ano


You can either contact Customer Care as suggested above or write a letter explaining the situation and include a copy of the POA.  Send the letter certified mail, return receipt requested.  Tip: ATT HG is in Dallas.  The information is easy to find.

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AT&T ignore the elderly

I have been trying to cancel my father's service for a residence he no longer lives in.My mother has passed away and he has moved to assisted living.He has dementia and doesn't remember his security information.I have power of attorney.I've been going around in circles with customer service having t


Technical support on hold for over an hour

This is unacceptable. I've been on hold with technical support for over an hour and I'm an elite customer (platinum). Can text live with tech support now either. I understand a higher demand during the Coronavirus benadryl some AT&T stores have shut down, but this is over the top and unacceptable.





That really makes no sense.  I have done this every year for 12 years and many other people I know do it.The issue was the box was old, not that it was deactivated.My friend had a HD box that was deactivated and he was able to activate though it took

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Directtv as a company has been destroyed by ATT and is now the worst company I have ever dealt with

I have a boat and because I have satellite tv on the boat, I have it in my home as well.I have had this setup for 12 years now and it has always worked well.I shutdown my boat receiver every fall and restart in the spring since I don't use the boat over the winter.When I went to restart it this spri


Local channels at our camphouse?

Hello, my name is Clint. We have a camp approximately seven miles from our home setup. The satellite dish currently mounted outside is not advanced enough to bring in the local channels that we subscribe to at home. We already have a receiver moved to the camp. The burden of getting up and using a t






I use different TV Apps on 4 sets. Some are on Amazon Firestick MAX App and others use the TV OS and its MAX App. I finally solved the sign-in issue after multiple attempts. That included a visit to a computer browser to change the password on my MA


3 months ago

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Problem streaming MAX

We have a Directv account which includes being billed monthly for MAX. I want to stream MAX on both my TV's. On one of our TV's there is no problem. On my other TV, starting a few days ago it says I need to "Connect my provider". It says I need to go the URL Max.Com/providers and enter my code. I en


@ http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-att-directv-deal-approval-expected-20150515-story.html  I think AT&T/DirecTV is going to happen. If it turns out that it does…this would have subscribers wanting to know how they will be


10 years ago

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Where is the Hallmark Channel?

I am new to At&t U verus. I was told when I signed up the Hallmark Channel was available.  It took me a week to finally realize you don't have it. Very misleading.


@chiefdore wrote: @skeeterintexas wrote: @fredziffel wrote: Why is U-verse carrying Al Jazeera ? Are part of my monthly fees supporting this garbage ?  If you watch it , you will understand their hidden addgenda if you have an IQ above a turnip. One

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Why Al Jazeera ?

Why is U-verse carrying Al Jazeera ? Are part of my monthly fees supporting this garbage ? If you watch it , you will understand their hidden addgenda if you have an IQ above a turnip. One can only hope at&t will get rid of the E channel ... glamorizing the disgusting kardashians is an insult to Ame


I was so upset that Directv/Att does not have the resources to remove their equipment.I never thought that it is ours.Think about it.Who wants this after,it is not in use anymore.We have to pay to have somebody to remove it .Att /Directv does not hav


4 years ago

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DIRECTV Satellite Dish on Roof

I'm being told by customer support that it's my responsibility to remove the satellite dish from my roof myself and throw it away in the garbage. Is that correct!
