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Uverse Tv Incomplete Menu Premium Movies and Series
Everytime I need to see a complete old series or movies I go to Apple TV, because the Uverse menu has just few selections. For example: select on HBO series “Curb Your Enthusiasm” on Uverse and you only find the last 2 series (8 and 9): now go to Apple Tv (regular, not paying for anything extra) and
Watching U-verse TV
Channel Programming
I went from cable to Direct TV and now to Direct TV Streaming. With the new increase in price, I'm trying to find justification for it. 90% of all movie stations show the same movie over and over for need I say over a year since I have had it. There never seems to be a refresh of movies. It's the sa
AT&T is becoming the Sears of the tv choices out there. And every new choice they make is dumber than the last. Looking for the NFL network which reminded me to look for a new provider.
Is NFL Network on AT&T U-verse?
When are Uverse TV customers going to start receiving "NFL Network"? Training camps have started.
Screen saver
What genius came up with the screen saver on Uverse. And what other Genius thought yeah let’s implement that idea . At&T couldn’t be any dumber than if their heads were cut off. At&T send a person over to Comcast to see how to run a cable business. Geez I can’t believe how behind you are in this
U-verse TV Equipment
It’s definitely a directv bug for a quick fix, you can click info, scroll to audio/video, scroll to English Dolby audio and click it. the problem stems from their screensaver. Their latest update must have done something with audio and it messes up
after a pause of tv show on direct tv dvr sound does not play when restarted
the dvr is connected to a denon receiver avr-x3700h a samsung tv is being used and the e arc is on
Uverse stopped working on PC
My husband uses a PC and has a uverse box in his hobby room to watch uverse on his PC. It's been working fine, for the most part, for several months. Now it will no longer play. He's unplugged the uverse box from the PC and reconnected it. It lights up like it's fine and wants to work but it doesn
Watching U-verse TV
Power off - dumb question
So, I just got DirecTv installed and have a simple question. If I set up a program to record then power off the DVR (using the remote), will it wake up to record the program. Or do I need to leave the DVR on 24/7?
DIRECTV Equipment
That's BS....Dish allows you save your recordings onto an external drive which can also act as a supplemental drive (i.e. you don't have to use either the internal OR external) or an extension of the internal drive. This allows you to offload interna
New DVR causes loss of recordings on EXTERNAL hard drive
I just had a defective DVR replaced and the DirecTV technician told me that all my recordings on my EXTERNAL hard drive would be lost. Why did I lose my recordings? I am extremely angry about this!
We have a lot in common, @robertrentzer. I have 5 computers and refuse to move my primary off Windows 7, no matter how many tech reps tell me I HAVE TO! I have choice words for them telling me what I have to do when they aren't paying for anything re
DirecTV App Closes or Times-Out?
Okay, I don't even know what to call these things yet. Not used to this streaming terminology. Only been here 2 weeks and every day, I fall asleep to my TV. When I wake up, DirecTV app is off and I'm watching some other app on my TV. Every single day/night. I've never had so many problems with in
Genie unauthorized access, viewing, recording and deleting.
Our Directv genie has been hacked over the past 3 weeks. We are remote with no one living in WI-FI range. We contacted tech support about 4 times. They were dumb to this Directv issue* and blamed our internet provider, WI-FI router. After convincing Directv tech support of this real problem needing
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Ordering a movie
So heres a dumb question! Is Thor Ragnorak available on Uverse?!
Watching U-verse TV
@erjones wrote: My husband uses a PC and has a uverse box in his hobby room to watch uverse on his PC. It's been working fine, for the most part, for several months. Now it will no longer play. He's unplugged the uverse box from the PC and
Uverse stopped working on PC
My husband uses a PC and has a uverse box in his hobby room to watch uverse on his PC. It's been working fine, for the most part, for several months. Now it will no longer play. He's unplugged the uverse box from the PC and reconnected it. It lights up like it's fine and wants to work but it doesn
Thanks, all fixed. That was a dumb thing to add as the default setting!
Recorded programs listings for sports now include scores - this is bad!
The last thing you want to know is the score of a game before you watch the recording! Can the scores please be removed from those listings!?
Like I said, just a dumb question, and the answer was as expected. I just needed to confirm.
Directv Cat5 Ethernet Connections.
I have 2 hr20-700 receivers a hr21-700 and a h21 hd reciever. I have them all connected with a cat5 ethenet through my internet and router switch, I ahve been getting flawless mrv playback in all rooms and am verry happy with the hd picture quality in all rooms through mrv playback. My question is w
Tell that asshole sheriff to close the microphone on TV
Tell that dumb (Edited per community guidelines) sheriff to put the sound back on on the UVerse. What a (Edited per community guidelines)ing (Edited per community guidelines) on WPNE.
U-verse TV Account
@JefferMC which team have you been talking to? Whatever the bug is based on how long it takes them to identify and fix it. It definitely seems like they only identify the issue once customers tell them about it and they only fix it when forced to
U-Verse DVR series scheduled recordings are not functioning
Something is wrong with the way series scheduled recordings are working. Today is 4/18/2022 and my scheduled recordings are only going through 4/20/2022. The guide is pulling listings properly, since if I go to guide I can see listings until 8:00pm 4/30/22 and it shows just a few second ago h
Difference bewteen whole home DVR and DVR in each room? Call customer service and keep getting different answers.
I am a new customer who enrolled in April this year before the whole home DVR was available. I currently have 1 HD Receiver and 1 HD DVR Receiver. I am looking to add an additional receiver in a 3rd room. However, I am also trying to figure out if it should be a DVR receiver or do the Whole Room.
DIRECTV Equipment
After each show I watch I need to close out the app and restart
This has been going on for about a year now and wasn't an issue beforehand. I used to watch a show and then when it went pack to the playlist I simply chose the next one. Forever now everytime I end a show I had to close out and make the open app completely disappear and have to reinitialize and lo
Watching DIRECTV
Call me dumb but how do I find that?
Issues w/ DirecTV Master DVR
Screen froze repeatedly. Also DVR turned off and reset itself, by itself while watching a recorded/live program. Also having issues connecting to mini-DVR several times this week in same room. Had to reset the Master DVR to get it to connect to mini-DVR several times. Anyone else have these same pro
The worst !!! smaller text, can't read it on my 65 inch TV !!! for what???? it doesn't get an dumber than this. I called DTV to get it changed back, they said no. I am getting Fios or something else and calling back to cancel.
7 years ago
to the conversation:
New Directv GUI - ATTROCIOUS DISASTER! - Are you kidding me?
*** WHO DESIGNED BETTER YET APPROVED THE NEW DIRECTV GUI MENUS THAT APPEARED ON MY DVRS TODAY? because they need to be fired! WOW Directv???? You couldnt come up with anything better than that BLAND DISMAL ATTROCIOUS design of a menu? Thank you for ruining my TV experience. Not joking! Not hap