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easy remote problem
The easy remote app on my iPhone closes when I hit the speak button. Any one know how to fix. It worked yesterday
Watching U-verse TV
Is the uverse easy remote app down??? My app wont connect to the recievers and i deleted the app to reinstalled and i cant find it then i just tried to use the control on the uverse app and it will bot work tried the chanel 9903 and it has my saved info so im wondering its down
Watching U-verse TV
AT&T’s easy remote app
AT&T’s easy remote appI can’t find the easy remote app at the App Store. Where do I find it?
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Easy way to program favorites
Sorry if this is already posted...Is there an easy way to program my favorite stations?
U-verse TV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Easy option to delete all DVRed shows?
Is there an easy way to delete all "Criminal Minds" shows that we have DVRed? We're looking for a quick alternative rather than going into each individual one or driving deep down into a menu. I'd love a way to highlight the show title (with X number of recorded episodes) and delete them all (if
U-verse TV Equipment
Error 4006 w/ Easy Remote on iOS
When launching to iOS app, I get this: "There has been a problem connecting to the U-verse network. Ensure you are connected to a U-verse WiFi Network, then launch the My Enabled Device application on channel and try again. Error 4006." I am using an Airport Extreme connected to the U-Verse 3801HG
U-verse TV Equipment
Easy way to view conflicts?
Does anyone know of an easy way to view that upcoming programs will not record due to conflicts? For instance, Dish Network's DVR had a "To Do" type list that showed programs to be recorded as well as any shows that will not be recorded due to priority, not a new episode, skipped by user, etc.. Yo
DIRECTV Equipment
Easy Remote app crashes on iphone
When I select speak from the Easy Remote App the app crashes or disappears. The gestures seems to work but as soon as I tap speak the app goes away.
Watching U-verse TV
Uverse Easy Remote App for Android WI-Fi Connection
Why doesn't the Uverse Easy Remote App connect to the WI-FI on my Android devices (phone and tablet) which are connected to my AT&T WI-FI?
Watching U-verse TV
Easy remote setup New account number
I have a new iPhone 7, new Uverse account, new Uverse receiver at new address. I uninstalled old easy remote app which worked great, at recommendation of sales person due to new account. When I reinstalled after I tap "accept" terms the next screen is "connecting to receiver" but never finds receive
Watching U-verse TV
Uverse Easy Remote/AT&T Uverse apps power buttons?
I recently got the remote apps for Uverse on my phone and tablet. The only issue is there doesn't seem to be a power button available on either the easy remote or uverse app. Turning on and off, seems like the most basic function of a remote. Does anyone know if there is a way to turn on and off the
Watching U-verse TV
Problems with the Ipad specific version of Easy Remote App
I'm new to uverse and would like to get this app to work on my ipad. I have already setup the iphone easy remote app on 3 different iPhones and it works flawlessly on the iPhones. However, setting up the IPad version of this app specifically for the Ipad has been problematic. I keep getting an error
Watching U-verse TV
What freaking ATT Braniac has done away with easy live streaming from the computer?
What freaking ATT Braniac has done away with easy live streaming from the computer? Windows is one of the most widely deployed platforms in the world and you can't do a freaking app for it? SUUCKS!
Watching U-verse TV
Stingray Easy Listening
After each music segment an anouncer tells me Stingray music has all good vibes and that I need a free mobile app. This "commercial" is inappropiate and unprofesional on a music channel. I would like to filter this guy out so that I receive music only!
Watching U-verse TV
Receiver deactivates every 30 days. Please suggest easy way to reauthorize it
Hi, I have a receiver set up in the shed and I watch it by powering the generator from time to time. The receiver deactivates itself every 30 days and I need to reactivate it. Is there an easy way I can reactivate it without calling DirectTV? Why does it deactivate? Is it because it is not connected
DIRECTV Equipment
I hope an easy one!
This has got to be really basic but I couldn't find the answer, or even a similar question in any searches! We just upgraded to the HD-DVR 2 channel input set up. Question is, after scheduling does the device need to be left "on" or if shut off will it still record as programmed? I'm guessing that a
DIRECTV Equipment
U-Verse App Update for Apple Watch? Or for U-Verse Easy Remote
Anyone like the idea of a U-Verse Apple Watch App that allows you to to switch between channels that have been favorited, search by voice (the U-Verse Easy Remote supports this), and have a mini remote (using the digital crown to scroll down the remote to allow more functions (start at OK + directio
Watching U-verse TV
Easy remote application doesn't wotk with router behind router configuration
Hello,I wanted to consolidate all my Wi-Fi devices and my u-verse set-top-box behind my own router, an ASUS AC66U.I reconfigured the 2Wire 3801HGV RG to enable the router-behind-router event notification, then disabled the Wi-Fi and configured the IP address allocation to give my router a public IP.
Watching U-verse TV
Easy Remote and Favorites
I cannot get this app (version 1.9.1) to work right on my Android phone. First the star + button on the Channels view of the Live TV view won't work when tapped. For some reason it started working in Channels so I laboriously set up all my Favorites. Then I switched to Guide to reorder them as they
Watching U-verse TV
Too easy to change paused channel
I have to walk away from a show I reall have been getting into. I pause the show. My dog lies down on the remote, changing the channel. I'm screwed. Is there a confirmation step that can be programmed into the remote? It's the only thing I liked better on Dish Network. It kept me from accident
DIRECTV Equipment