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billed for plan changes that I never made?
I signed up for AT&T U-verse on 1/07/12. I get my first bill and it says that there have been plan changes that I accepted on 1/14/12 that I never knew a thing about. The changes are supposedly price increases to the plan that I have, but the changes were made by AT&T. How can you charge me for chan
U-verse TV Account
Made Payment
I made a payment today of 150.00 and will pay the remaining balance on Nov, 15th. Do not withdraw 299,00 from my account. You have already drafted the 150.00. Thank you. Any questions call me [EDITED per Community Guidelines - removed personal information] Account O
payment made through western union
i made a payment on december 6th at walmart through western union why hasn;t showen up on my account yet i have the tracking number and it shows directv hasn't got it yet and posted it to my account
payment made but service hasn’t been restored
I made a past due payment via the U-verse app at 3:30amEST and 6 hours later my service STILL hasn’t been restored. HELP!!
U-verse TV Account
made a payment, cable not restored
I made a past due payment about 40 mins ago. The Internet was restored immediately but the cable has not. I already unplugged everything to restart the modem but the message on the TV is still asking for payment. My bank account shows the payment was proceesed.
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Tired of being made to force-watch commercials
Every time I try to watch a show on demand they play about 40 commercials an hour that you cannot fast-forward. Over and over and over and over being made to watch these things is about the most annoying thing directtv has ever done. If I see "Never gonna let you go" commercial one more time I'll be
Watching DIRECTV
Why doesn’t ATT have continuity in repair service, 6 months, 4 techs, no repairs made?
I have U-verse 450, pay 291.00 monthly for bundled services and have had 4 of 6 TVs non functioning since Oct 1. In Sept. An ATT tech installed a 6th TV in our home, made the connection in our attic and after that 4 TV’s began freezing, re-setting automatically appx. every 5 minutes. A new Tech En
U-verse TV Account
I made payment but service hasn’t been restored
I made a past due payment via the U-verse app at 3:30amEst but my service still hasn’t been restored 6 hours later, HELP.
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
How It's Made reruns marked as new!
This has happened twice in the last couple of weeks. We have How It's Made set to record new episodes, and there have been a couple of marathons in the last 2 weeks where all episodes are marked as new, and I end up with 10-12 episodes or more before I notice and start deleting them. This time I act
U-verse TV Equipment
Need a code for ILO tv made by Funai
Does anyone know the codes for the ILO tv sold by Walmart and made by Funai? I cannot get my remote to recognize the tv.
DIRECTV Equipment
Will not honor mistake agent made
I had uverse service and was attempting to see what specials uverse had. I spoke to the agent and decided to switch to direct tv. The order was placed to switch to direct tv. I decided to switch back to uverse and called to cancel my direct tv order. I saw a special that was given for 114.99 and ad
U-verse TV Account
Service suspended but when paymaent made you didnt restore my services
My service was recently suspended. I made the payment asked for and internet was restored but not TV. please restore my service
U-verse TV Account
Payment made through billpay at my bank yesterday
I spent over 3 weeks with a broken box. Service was here to replace it on Saturday. Now you have cut off my service because of a $33 late payment! I made payment by billpay yesterday through bank, went out today to be received by you on the 12th!
Have I made a mistake going with U-verse?
Had U-verse installed on Monday and have been pleased with the service so far. Got Internet, U-verse TV and phone. I came here though and see a lot of complaints. Concerned about the posts about AT&T phasing out U-verse for Direct TV and also about the rewards cards being a scam. Have I made a big m
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
AT&T "rep" made unauthorized changes to my account
I received a call AT WORK from an AT&T rep who said they were adding HBO to my account for free for being a loyal customer. The rep than said thanks for being a customer and then hung up. Later when I got home I found an email stating numerous changes to my account including upgraded Internet and
U-verse TV Account
I've Made the payment, but cable is shut Off
I've Made a 150.00$ payment on March 2nd of 150$, and the balance due on the 9th was only 130.03$ for account #-*****, When Can you Turn the Cable On? And Did you Receive my payment??? Hank [edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, e
U-verse TV Account
Canceling NEWSMAX made my decision easy now.
I am an AT&T Internet and Cell Phone customer coming just recently from Spectrum. I was debating switching from Spectrum Cable service to DirecTV and get the total package. Now that you canceled NEWSMAX, you made my decision easy. I am staying put with my cable subscriber and I am debating now
Community lounge
Made of Money
I just received my first statement since my bill increased in August, which I would like to note that I never received a statement in August, had no access to a customer loyalty team to address the issue. The only thing I had was a frustrating time communicating with the foreign customer service te
2 accounts were made for 1 service
I had directv and moved. When we moved they messed up and made a second account number. I have now canceled my directv and I have one bill saying I owe 0.00 and another bill saying that I owe 176.00. It is not my fault they messed up. It took almost 9 months for them to figure out why there were 2 a