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Terminator & Grounding Question
Hi,I just got my dish installed and I have 2 questions. I have read that several installers recommend that unused ports on the swm have a terminator installed. My installer did not do this. Are terminators absolutely necessary?2nd question. My installer said he could not find a place to install a gr
DIRECTV Equipment
75 ohm terminator needed for Power Inserter?
I have read that it is recommended that on a SWiM setup, the power inserter should be installed on a dedicated line. Right now, the "Signal to IRD" on my power inserter goes to a H24 in my office. If I move this cable to one of the outputs on my 8 way, do I need to cap the IRD output on the power in
DIRECTV Equipment
Got it. Thanks again! I've just got to get a terminator for that IRD port. Thanks again guys - you are a huge help!!
MRV/WHDVR setup question
Installing my setup this weekend with the help of a local installer. I have a quick question. Before that, here's what will be used (all on hand at my house): 2 - HR244 - H243LNB SWiM (built into LNB) SlimLine Dish21V SWiM power inserterDECA and power supply (for internet connection)1x8 SWM splitt
Those caps are 75 ohm terminators and they screw on and off easily. In the Whole Home system, any unused ports must be covered by a terminator cap. Luckily, the splitter comes will all ports capped, so you'll have a sufficient supply. Some installers
Can I plug my DECA directly into the SWM?
I have whole home networking set up with the newest model HD-DVR and HD receiver. We have one DECA unit on an unused coax outlet currently. Is there any reason I can't plug the DECA directly into the SWM splitter and the cat5 into the router, which is also in the same area? It seems to me this is
Be sure you put a 75 ohm terminator cap on any unused splitter or power inserter ports. The new splitter will come with some attached.
Relocating Equipment in Whole-Home System
I have an existing whole-home system that was set up last year. It includes: (1) an HR24-100 DVR in the basement with a SWM ODU, (2) an HR-20-100 DVR in the living room, with the incoming RG6 cable split to a powered DECA and a second DECA attached to the DVR, and (3) an H23-600 HD receiver with DEC
You have it right. Be sure to disconnect any unused coax from the splitter and cap the unused output with a 75 ohm terminator cap (the ones that come on the splitter).
Relocating DECA to new router location.
Okay so I think I knowhow to make this happen. RIght now I have my internet router in my guest bedroom closet and I am moving it to my master bedroom closet. Hoever the DECA for whole home DVR (black one) is connected to the router in the guest bedroom. My question is: When I relocate the DECA to th
Just make sure that when you move the receiver that you use the terminator cap that will come with the 2way splitter and connect that to the outlet that the SD receiver came from.
Use of splitter w/ DECA BB and a receiver
I have whole house HD recently installed in our home using the SWIM system. I have a standard receiver in a bedroom, an HD DVR in the living room and an HD Receiver in another bedroom. The DECA is located in our office on the router separate from all of the receivers. I want to move the standard
If the PI is downstream from the splitter as yours will be, then it must connect to the red, Power Passing port. I believe the PI will also need a 75 ohm terminator on the unused ODU (receiver) port.
MRV/WHDVR setup question
Installing my setup this weekend with the help of a local installer. I have a quick question. Before that, here's what will be used (all on hand at my house): 2 - HR244 - H243LNB SWiM (built into LNB) SlimLine Dish21V SWiM power inserterDECA and power supply (for internet connection)1x8 SWM splitt
HR22 #1 IP address: #2 IP address: #3 IP address: (non-recognized by the first two) All terminator caps on unused ports; yes, full reception and signal on all. All RID #'s are correct on the account.
Three HR22-100's and No Internet. Only two DVR's recognized in WHDVR Status?
I currently have three HR22-100's (HD-DVR's) and No Internet. Set everything up myself and got DTV to activate this past weekend. However, two of the HR22's work great and the third one shows "No networked DVRs found."All three show to be networked under the info and test menu and WHDVR is Authoriz
To both posters. Count how many and what size splitters are installed on your system. Here are pics of the three types. Also confirm that all splitter ports not in use are capped with 75 ohm terminator caps.
HR24/500 Disconnects from Directv network
My HR24/500 network with 4 H24/100 receivers disconnects from the Directv network for no apparent reasons. MRV will work fine for up to ~5 days at times then the HR24/500 will disconnect from the network and have to be reset to reconnect to the network almost daily for few days then it will be stab
I just ordered two 2-way splitters, so I won't need any terminator caps. I won't be able to make the move until next weekend, after I receive the splitters and I have some free time. I'll let you know the results after that. Thanks again.
Relocating Equipment in Whole-Home System
I have an existing whole-home system that was set up last year. It includes: (1) an HR24-100 DVR in the basement with a SWM ODU, (2) an HR-20-100 DVR in the living room, with the incoming RG6 cable split to a powered DECA and a second DECA attached to the DVR, and (3) an H23-600 HD receiver with DEC
Program was unable to download. (3005)
I am able to download other content using On Demand with no problem. But I get Program was unable to download. (3005) message when trying to download Terminator Salvation 1080p. Gives me no other message or any useful details. What does this error mean?
Watching DIRECTV
Quote: Originally Posted by zubock2 I do have a splitter behind my DVR that feeds the Wireless Access Point and two DECA's...One with a Power inserter in it... As time passes, Directv discovers minor issues that can have big consequences, and one is
Leaving receivers and DVR's powered on all of the time
Does anyone know if there is any benefit or if it a requirement to leave all HD Receivers and DVR's connected to the Whole Home DVR home network powered on all of the time? I've always powered them off when not watching TV at any location in my home.
Just put a (U-verse) splitter on the outbound leg of the diplexer.You can buy them at It's a Holland 1.5GHz HPNA splitter.You should put terminator caps on any unused coax ports. TTS has those too.Or you can call a tech in to do i
Couple quick questions regarding options for RG/STB connections/cabling
FYI: There is no "coax network" in our home. Each coax cable is run individually (same goes for the CAT6 ethernet cabling noted). Here's our current setup: NID->HPNA Diplexer, with coax running from Combined port directly to our RG (I believe a 2Wire 3800), while the HPNA port is directly connect
Yes, pardon the confusion over IRD and ODU... it is the IRD port that needs termination and the ODU port connects to the splitter red port. The splitter should come with terminators which you won't need since all 8 ports will be in use, so you should
MRV/WHDVR setup question
Installing my setup this weekend with the help of a local installer. I have a quick question. Before that, here's what will be used (all on hand at my house): 2 - HR244 - H243LNB SWiM (built into LNB) SlimLine Dish21V SWiM power inserterDECA and power supply (for internet connection)1x8 SWM splitt
Thanks. Thinking of just using a generic passive splitter's two outs with a terminator on the input to make a "U-turn" like connection with a short jumper back up to the SWM. I'll just have to leave a note attached for the next homeowner's "(E
SWM splitter with all connections on one side?
I have a patch panel in the wall where all the room and external feeds come together. All the cables come down in a parallel bundle through a punch out in the top of the panel. There is a DTV SWM splitter and another basic splitter for the UHF antenna. Because of the bend radius of the RG6 t
Correct. Directv has found that the system works best if all receivers, the power inserter and the router connection all have individual feeds. Be sure and place terminator caps on any unused splitter ports, plus the open port on the PI. If all of
Whole-Home DVR going out and showing deleted programs
New system installed less than a month ago. Whole home DVR was working fine on receiver, then it went out...lost networked DVR while still having a good internet connection. upon checking Whole-Home status, DVR was found and list showed DVR titles, was showing previously deleted record
Quote: Originally Posted by bartmanmn As to where I ended up putting the Power Inverter, The very best installation of the power inserter is to connect it to a cox feed to the red port of the splitter totally independent of any receiver connected to
HD box can't locate SWM
I moved the Power inverter from one location to another. In doing this, I made sure to swap the connections on the splitter so the new location is on the first port of the 4 port splitter for the DC Power. My HD DVR box that has the PI connect to it is working fine. My other HD box is connected t
No, sounds correct, and the BB module connected to the 2 way splitter is fine. With your connection speed, you will be able to begin watching downloads as soon as they begin and the download will finish before you are finished watching. Anxiously a
How Many DVR's Can I Have In A WHDVR?
I have 8 TV's. I have 5 DVR's. When I go to Setup>Whole Home Status... I only see 4 receivers in the list... 1) Is there a limit on DVR's per install? That is, if I want to be a freak and put 8 DVR's in the install... is that ok? 2) Will all xx DVR's show up each Setup>Whole Home Status check... (
You can use a Barrel connector and a 75 ohm terminator cap-Connect the barrel to one end and then screw the terminator onto the barrel- with a Volt-ohm meter set to ohms-test the other end's of the RG6 when you find the one that reads 75 ohms (mark i
13 years ago
to the conversation:
testing continuity of coax cable
Previous homeowner had 3 coax cables going thru a conduit and didn't label the cables. I'd like to label each end so I know which cable is which on both ends. I do not currently have a satellite signal, but I could hook the cables up to a receiver to generate a "current", then test the other end.