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Accepted Solution
Old Equipment
I have an old 18" circular dish with a single lnb. I've been away from Directv a long time but planning to return.Question. Is the old, single-channel lnb still useable or will I require a new one? Obviously, I will need a new receiver but hope to be able to use the old dish and maybe the lnb
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
old uverse bill
If I want to get uverse/internet again but have an old unpaid bill from the past will they let me get new service while paying on the old bill too? Or will they not let me get service until the old bill is paid in full? Thanking you in advance.
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Old D11 receiver
Can i reactivate our old D11 receiver to use with old satellite??? We just recently changed out to Genie and new satellite but would like to use this old equipment in our garage if possible. Dont matter about HD.
DIRECTV Equipment
Old equipment
Hi. When we received the upgrade, the old equipment was left behind. What do you want me to do with the old equipment?
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Remove old antenna
Selling home. Buyer wants old DirectTV equipment removed from roof
DIRECTV Equipment
How or where do I go to see about updating my old equipment (receivers) to current product line. Old HR-24's are giving us problems on a regular basis.
DIRECTV Equipment
Old Box
I have recently moved. When they came for the install at the new place they switch out and gave us a new box. They did not tell us where to take the old one. Does anyone know where drop off the old box at? Thanks for the help.
U-verse TV Equipment
old reciever
I have an old RCA model DRD203RW. Ive never used it because until recently Ive had cable. It came with the house when I bought it 7 years ago (the receiver). I now have direct tv. Can I use this older receiver on my new direct tv install?
DIRECTV Equipment
Old equipment
I need boxes to return old equipment and explain what I need to do.
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Can I use my older model receiver?
I have a directv director pack receiver. It's still in a sealed box and hasn't been used. The IRD serial number is (Edited as per community guidelines). Is it too old to use or can I use it with a new access card?
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Old Directv Equipment
When I upgrade my Directv equipment, does the installer take my old equipment with them? Should I even let the installer take my old equipment, or do I need to keep it in case Directv asks for it back? What I don't want to happen is that the installer takes it, and then Directv later requests that I
DIRECTV Equipment
Returning old equipment
I recently received a new Genie HD DVR that I installed. I did not receive a return label for the old equipment. What do I need to do with the old Genie HD DVR?
DIRECTV Equipment
Old equipment
I have old directv equipment and don’t have an account anymore and have never received instructions to return. What do I do with it.
DIRECTV Equipment
old remote
I hav a urc-1081bg0-0 remote and I am wondering if it can be used with an older tivo dvr unit. It is a standard def unit from 3 or 4 years ago. I do not know where the remote is so I am hoping this old one will work. I also was wondering if it would work on a sony grand vega tv
DIRECTV Equipment
Old Account
When I try to log into my Direct TV account it links to an old account. How can I delete that account and get my new one working online.
old remote
I'm trying to program an older DirecTV remote to an old TV I have. I've gathered that the remote I have is the 'peanut' variety? It's black and skinnier in the middle with fatter ends. There is no model number that I can find. My television is a Symphonic.How do I automatically search for codes with
DIRECTV Equipment
Old dish
I was given an old directtv dish to take on the road with me. Will it work with the newer recievers and can you tell me how to set the elevation and azimuth on the dish.
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
old directtv app
How can I go back to the old app so that I can watch things downloaded from my DVR while I am traveling
Watching DIRECTV