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Cisco Video Player - No Mojave Still. Catalina is coming.
So it's closing in on a year since Mac Users went from Yosemite to Mojave. The player hasn't worked since. There were indications the problem would be corrected but still waiting. Now, Apple has announced a new system coming, Catalina. Is there any work to at least get the player ready for Catal
Watching DIRECTV
I enjoy wgn programming and because I was born and raised there but live in another state I particularly enjoy listening to news to keep abreast of current events
I am very upset at the prospect of losing WGN--it's an important channel to Chicagoans. though I have been a loyal and happy U-verse customer since it became available in my neighborhood, I would staart lloking for another provider if I could not watch my programs and sports on WGN. One of your mo
Searching for satelitte still...
On 2 TV's I just get the screen "Searching for satellite", no error message or number, it just sit's on that screen. I have tried all the receiver resets and connect and reconnecting cables. The satellite dish hasn't moved and the only weather we have is heat. One thing, the power was turned off tod
DIRECTV Equipment
@okghal wrote: No, I am born and raised in Texas and not a fan of the sooners or cowboys I'm a fan of neither also. We do agree on something! Maybe there is hope. 🙂
Longhorn Network - Just say 'No'
I greatly appreciate the value provided by AT&T in bundling tv/wireless/internet services. Similarly, the bundling of channels allows customers to access a variety of programming at substantial savings. However, occasionally, programming comes along that is so expensive and directed at such a narro
Coax Needed Still?
We are building a new home, but the builder doesn't wire for coax anymore without an extra charge. Standard is just CAT-6 to each TV station. Does DTV need coax just to the main box? or do I need to wire each room with coax too?
DIRECTV Equipment
Wow, I really misread that statement. I have been so used to the initials as the brand name now that I don't think of the full name anymore. True I am not close to a century in years, but I do recall their full name. Though I wonder if they will ever
What is and why are they removing programming?
What is and why are they removing programming on nbc?
If the "moderators" running this board wanted continuity in our comments or cared about their customer's comments whatsoever then their "PERMALINK" would direct us to the new thread, not be a snake eating it's own tail back to the same thread from wh
DIRECTV dropping OANN?
How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN? They do not lie! The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives! My husband and I will be
INFO for DirecTV has gotten LAME. No Cast and Crew data. What the Heck?
INFO for DirecTV has gotten LAME. No Cast and Crew data. What the Heck? It used to show birthplace, Born and Death dates. You know, things of interest about Actors. I noticed about a week ago that CAST and CREW now shows diddly. Thanks for nothing ATT/DirecTV.
Watching DIRECTV
HBOGo won't recognize my AT&T Account ... STILL...
Please figure out why HBO Go does not recognize my AT&T account. I have never been able to access this feature which is part of my plan that I have always paid for. The last time I tried to address this issue with AT&T, I was on the phone for 2 hours and no one could figure out why. I was passed to
U-verse TV Account
Still...... "Searching for satallite signal"
The tv screen continues to say "Searching for satallite signal". Tried unpluging the unit to reset, but that doesn't work either.
DIRECTV Equipment
iPhone App Technical Difficulties still...
I have tried turning "Clear Login @ Startup" ON but when I open the app it switches the setting back to OFF. I have tried logging in as a Guest and upon clicking on any of the onscreen options, I get no results. (The page just continuously loads.)The NFL Super Fan App opens just fine.
Watching DIRECTV
HR21 "Keep Until I Delete" Selection Stills Allows DVR to Delete Programs to Record Most Recent??!!
Let me start by saying that our older (non-HD) DirecTV-Tivo units will not delete programs that you have recorded, if you have it set to "keep until I delete". It will actually not record any new programs if your keep number of programs is already full. So why does my DirecTV HR21 delete stuff from
DIRECTV Equipment
@dwinth Had to hide it earlier as I was not subscribed to it. Seems they don't even know it's on Uverse, still in the call and demand it group. Foreigh born people in the US will go crazy for this channel, probably one of the re
One World Sports
Unless it has already been mentioned, we have a new HD only channel, One World Sports on 1665. I have no idea if it is part of the Sports Package or part of certain levels.
You haven't been with DirecTV for 50 years. They were born in 1994, so 26 years ago. Review the prior bill against the current one. Most likely you had a temporary discount end, but also check for any one-time charges (PPVs, equipment order, servi
After being a customer for over 50 years, why did the Direct TV portion of my bill for up $40. a month?
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Direct tv still active after I cancelled.
I cancel Direct tv and my billing cycle ends November 6, 2022. Why is my direct tv still active and receiving channels on the app and receivers on November 7 still? My account shows my service has been canceled
My broadband/your ads/my screensaver/your ads
I think you will have to pay ME to use my broadband to take over my screen saver with YOUR ads. DIRECTV charges 5 times what a streaming service charges and won’t let the screen saver go immediately and ask me daily to let it back on the internet. What is this big dish on my house used for? No new
Community lounge
apps still initializing
I have the Hr23/700hddvr and I am still getting apps still initializing check back later(100) does anyone know how I can get this to work?It has been initializing for over 24 hours now.
Watching DIRECTV
A must read if ur another "unhappy customer"
So if I was actually gonna ask a question, it would probably go something like this. "How are u guys (AT&T Management) still in business?" "All this time I thought this was democracy, nvr realizing it's communisim @ it's best." (Sidenote- I was born & raised in the states). My "soapbox" today is abo
U-verse TV Account
@JennaF. wrote:@So if I was actually gonna ask a question, it would probably go something like this. "How are u guys (AT&T Management) still in business?" "All this time I thought this was democracy, nvr realizing it's communisim @ it's best." (Siden
A must read if ur another "unhappy customer"
So if I was actually gonna ask a question, it would probably go something like this. "How are u guys (AT&T Management) still in business?" "All this time I thought this was democracy, nvr realizing it's communisim @ it's best." (Sidenote- I was born & raised in the states). My "soapbox" today is abo
No, I am born and raised in Texas and not a fan of the sooners or cowboys
14 years ago
to the conversation:
Longhorn Network - Just say 'No'
I greatly appreciate the value provided by AT&T in bundling tv/wireless/internet services. Similarly, the bundling of channels allows customers to access a variety of programming at substantial savings. However, occasionally, programming comes along that is so expensive and directed at such a narro