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Are there any plans to support the Firefox browser with DirecTV Stream? It is the most popular browser after all ...
Firefox browser
Wanted to use Firefox browser on a Windows computer BUT it is not listed!!! What does DIRECTV STREAM have against Firefox???
Accepted Solution
Firefox v.102.0.1 no longer loads video
Is there a Setting in Firefox that prevents video from playing? Everything is functional except the displaying of programming i.e. only a blank window appears. However, Chrome has full functionality of DirecTV Stream including video playing. I have been using Firefox for DirecTV Stream on my lap
Firefox menus disspear while Directv2PC is running
Don't know if this is a bug with Firefox or Directv2PC, but when it is running on one monitor and firefox is open on the 2nd monitor, the drop down menus (like bookmarks) appear empty, with just the outline or shadow of the menu box.If you keep moving the mouse in the box the contents will show or
Watching DIRECTV
My AT&T Login does not work in Firefox 69.01
Over a year ago AT&T merged my DirecTV account with my AT&T account. Since that time I have had nothing but problems getting AT&T and DirecTV to fix the problem I can login to My ATT using MS IE but not Chrome or Firefox nor can I watch DirecTV streaming content on either but MS IE works fine. I wou
Unable to stream from IE, Firefox or Chrome
I have a client who unable to stream from IE, Firefox or Chrome. She has Win 7 Home Premium and has the latest versions of all 3 browsers. I have cleared the caches and histories as well as even attempted a full uninstall and reinstall of Firefox and Chrome. I also uninstalled and reinstalled Ado
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
error code 3.8 for with chrome - or forbidden in firefox and safari
error code 3.8 for with chrome - or forbidden in firefox and safariwhat do I do?
Watching U-verse TV
BUG: Cannot watch in Firefox
Steps to reproduce: Open Firefox. Note that works in Chromium browsers -- just not Firefox! Go to Pick something to watch (anything) and click on it. You should get a modal with a blue Watch button. Make sure that the laptop icon has
Watching DIRECTV
AT&T DirecTV online content on Firefox
Why can't AT&T/DirecTV get their problems integrating their DirecTV customers online (NOT DIRECTV NOW) service to work properly? I can not watch DirecTV on my home desk top computer using the latest version of Firefox and Adobe Flash Player? It works with Google Chrome and MS Internet Explorer. I ha
Watching DIRECTV
Streaming inside my home on my desktop using Firefox browser
According to Directv my package is supposed to allow me to stream to my desktop computer in my home and it used to work with no problem. But for the last several months in has been hit and miss as to when it would work and now it won't work at all. I am using Firefox and I have made sure I have Flas
Watching DIRECTV
No sound when viewing streams with Firefox.
When I try to watch live streams on using Firefox I can't get sound on any channel I try. I'm on my laptop using Win 8 and Firefox version 36.0 but it hasn't worked on previous versions of FF either.
Watching U-verse TV
Can't login to my account on chrome - works on firefox
Sometimes it loops me into making me log in, but never actually logs me in, sometimes it says I have cookies disabled - and I don't! It's enabled for all sites. I don't have this problem on firefox, but that's not the browser I usually use. It should work on chrome as well.
Yes it occurs on Safari and Firefox browsers and Roku devices. From the Firefox browser, I am prompted to login to ATT and successful login. However, while logged in , I still do not have access to the Tennis channel. First time trying to watch Th
cannot stream tennis channel via web browser or roku device
I receive a prompt to login to the att account but nothing occurs after entering pw. No error msg.
I use the Firefox web browser and it shows both.
Direct TV App cannot control the new Gemini box
I have been told by Direct TV Technical support, that you cannot control the Gemini TV box using the Direct TV app on your phone. I used to be able to change channels, ETC, on the Genie box with the App on my phone. Not thrilled with the new Gemini box. It is not all that it is cracked u
The first link works with Firefox so perhaps it's IE...but I have no idea why Mississippi does not show up on the drop down menu. Second link is a bad URL The third link does in fact take you to a "National Legal Description". Try using Firefox or Go
where is New Orleans NBC channel?
I have no idea where to post this, so I'll try here. Tell me where to post if this is wrong. I live on the Gulfcoast in Mississippi. I used to get NBC from New Orleans on channel 1006. Now I get a local channel, WXXVH2, which does not have near the programing that the New Orleans channel has. Why
The chat icon is where that m is on my firefox browser.
Bill DirecTV for hours spent
Has anyone tried sending an invoice to DTV for the time spent helping them on support calls? Seems fair given their rigid posture?
Sorry ---Left out installing and trying Firefox as well. No better.
Online Directv hung up on Install Player
Everything was working fine. Didn't use for a couple of days. Then, for past 3 days, every time I hit "watch now", after lag, goes to window telling me to install player. I have uninstalled and reinstalled player multiple times, reinstalled flashplayer, cleared cache/history, and checked settings
I find it odd that they'd support Firefox 3.x. That browser version is ancient by now.
WRA message @ unsupported browser
WRA is one of my homepages in my Chrome browser and has been for several months and when started up this morning I got this message: ! Your browser is not officially supported.Using your current browser may prevent you from accessing certain features on AT&T Web Remote Access. We recommend using on
I downloaded FireFox onto my computer. Still unable to navigate off of the page during commercials without it stopping. I can actually hover over the FireFox and Chrome icons and the audio will start again, but trying to look at websites or do work i
navigate off page during commercial breaks
why can't i navigate to other tabs on my desktop while commercials are playing? I try to do other things while there is a commercial break, but it stops the commercial in progress. Very annoying
Or use Firefox or Google Chrome, anything but Internet Explorer!
11 years ago
to the conversation:
WRA, browser not supported?
Today I get a popup stating that my browser isn't supported with a continue anyway and don't show this again. It seems to work but it stated to use IE4 or higher and I'm using IE11!