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The work-around works; thank you!I suppose I'll need to call & battle the voice response unit!
My remote is not functioning. How do I get a replacement?
My remote control will no longer operate. I've replaced the batteries. How do I get a replacement? Thanks for your help!
Here are the season 3 episodes in my AT&T uverse on-demand view for Outlander:The Battle JoinedSurrender{{ Episode Missing }}Of Lost ThingsFreedom & WhiskyFemale Empowerment (??) According to a google search, the following list is what's supposed to
Where to find Outlander, Season 3, Episode 3 on demand?
U-verse on demand is missing Outlander, Season 3, Episode 3 "All Debts Paid." Will this episode be added to the series list soon?
need code to program a Dynex tv
I am looking for the code to program the remote to work my new tv. It is a Dynex model DX-24LD23A12 I live in Battle Creek, Mi 49015 Can you help me?
DIRECTV Equipment
Hmm. So if OU get's its own network can I then echo your same battle cry? Pfft. Nonsense. Don't like it??? Leave then.
Longhorn Network - Just say 'No'
I greatly appreciate the value provided by AT&T in bundling tv/wireless/internet services. Similarly, the bundling of channels allows customers to access a variety of programming at substantial savings. However, occasionally, programming comes along that is so expensive and directed at such a narro
If they give you instructions to return your equipment make sure you keep good documentation because I guarantee you they will claim they didn't receive it back and bill you for it! You will have to prove it with tracking numbers. Always a battle wit
Cancel DirecTV
I am thinking about cancelling DirecTV and wonder what will happen to the equipment (receivers and dish)?
I think eventually Uverse will be out since AT&T bought Direct TV. Last night didn’t have one was heaven....but today might be a different story. Gotta be in the mood to do battle with them. Thanks for the update.
Receiver issues for years!
Replaced 2x already. I’m grandfathered in meaning I don’t pay for the receivers. Once again I have big time issues with my receiver. 11:01 it went down every night...I rebooted. Sometimes it works once, but sometimes need to reboot many times. I just dealt with it. But, sporadically a dialogue box w
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Military History Channel
I believe this channel is produced in SD only, no HD. However, they now have a program showing with HD in the title: 12:00 PMPremiere WWII in HD : The Air WarThe untold story of the American 8th Air Force's bloody battle to defeat the German Luftwaffe in the… TVPG | CC Is this just wrong or a sign
Watching U-verse TV
The HD "Numbers Battle" Continues
For those interested, Dish called DirecTV's bluff and has "published" a list of their HD channels. Below is link to article on engadgethd.
Watching DIRECTV
ATT has the tech. Just wonder if it's a data thing (compressing bandwidth etc.) or simply an update. Possibly another patent infringement they'll have to battle in the courts. I'm sure it will happen.
SUGGESTION, program the DVR to allow SLOW MOTION!
We just switched over to ATT Uverse 200 last night, and I think we'll be pleased when we get used to the different channel numbers, and learn the new features available. BUT, one thing I MISS already from TIME WARNER CABLE is the ability to rewind live TV and watch something in slow motion, or watc
I stand corrected the receiver is an HR-24. It has two coax antenna "IN" cables. They each have a small what I think are IF circuits. I'll call Direct tomorrow and do battle with them. I do have the maintenance plan.
Storage device problem
My direct tv is saying a problem has been detected in my storage device and that its scanning to try and fix it. It has run twice with a final error of 15-227. I have rebooted the receiver and refreshed it several times, still the same error. It is scanning the disk now for the third ti
Why does directv insist on using their customers as pawns in their battle with TV stations. We pay an outrageous amount every month and now we can't even watch 2 of our local channels. This needs to be fixed now or Directv is going to lose alot of
Loss of channels
AT&T has failed to properly prepare for the anticipated end of contract negotiation with Nexstar - resulting in the loss of ABC station, a MAJOR network. This continues to happen, as in the past, when other channels were removed from the lineup - as your customers continue to pay increased costs in
@tbreezyfk8 As you are served by an MDU, the manager of your place needs to see about getting a new MDU vendor if the old one went out of business. DirecTV can only refer back to the vendor as they cannot touch MDU. Unfortunately this puts you in
DirecTV address not available
Hello. I’m setting up a new DTV service. I had it in the past at my residence but switched units. When I try to setup online it states address not available. Customer service is giving me a run around when I call. Who can I speak to?
That's the key, keep putting the pressure on them, (NASCAR, Big East, USGA, USA Soccer) that way they can put the pressure on them to get something done. In the end, as they always says money talks. Sadly this will not be the last battle between chan
No live sports on FS1?
I just read on the Fox Sports 1 site that it's contract with Uverse does not cover live events starting tomorrow (2/28) and Uverse customers will be blacked out from the Xfinity race at Atlanta (along with many other sports). Come on Uverse, get with the program and fix this please. Live sports are
Hooray!... Thank you ! Thank you! Thank you! Hallmark and Uverse for working out your differences and returning the Hallmark Channels to Uverse after such a long hiatus. The consumers have been the victims in this battle and I am so grateful to have
Hallmark is here and it's not even Christmas!
Who's HERE? Hallmark's Here!! Hallmark Channel (for the U-family and U200 and above packages) and Hallmark Movies and Mysteries (U-family and U300 and above packages) are on AT&T U-verse TV. Hallmark Channel To access Hallmark Channel, tune to Ch. 365/1365 (HD).
Thanks for the video. I DVR'd Lip Sync Battle Michael Jackson Special LLCoolJ announced their "new home at Paramount Network" and apparently they brought the $$$$ with them because they sparred no expense. They were at the Dolby Theater instea
Bye-bye Spike TV (channel 145/1145)
Sometime very soon, Spike TV on channel 145 and HD 1145 will be turning into The Paramount Network. This is across ALL PROVIDERS and AT&T has NO CONTROL over this change. Switching to another provider will NOT make a difference. The Paramount Network should be on the same package/channel as Spik
I am an AT&T U-verse subscriber, who is currently affected by AT&T’s battle with Nexstar, and am consequently not receiving local programming. Insofar as receiving local programming was a significant factor in our signing on with AT&T U-Verse, how m
Loss of channels
AT&T has failed to properly prepare for the anticipated end of contract negotiation with Nexstar - resulting in the loss of ABC station, a MAJOR network. This continues to happen, as in the past, when other channels were removed from the lineup - as your customers continue to pay increased costs in
form for buy out
I need to get a form from direct tv so my new cable company will buy out for early termination. Early termination that was never agreed to it, was automatically renewed by just paying the bill. I don't believe this was legal. Direct tv changed over to an HD system and we were REQUIRED to change o
4:3 format for several channels
Hello, why some channels are in 4:3 format, even when are broadcasted in 16:9 hd format? For example ForoTV channel (ch 453 directv stream). I have premier package and i will appreciate if you could fix this. Thank you
Winning a ratings battle on a Saturday night is like winning a game of poker aginst a bunch of people with no money. Also, I just looked a the ratings for the show. It has never won the night in the number of viewers (that belongs to Nick and Lifetim
Where is the Hallmark Channel?
I am new to At&t U verus. I was told when I signed up the Hallmark Channel was available. It took me a week to finally realize you don't have it. Very misleading.
I did; and AT&T sent it to AFNI which is the collection agency. Now I went to battle with Afni they was done with it and sent back to AT&T. Now I am dealing with the fraud department who are playing stupid. They say they have the account but
5 years ago
to the conversation:
You trying to make me pay for account that's not mines
You know AT&T is full crap, the pick a war/fight with but DON'T like how I respond. AT&T trying to say I owe them $556.00 and I never had their service. They place the account in collections and it come up on my credit report. I was very upset. Now they brought me to a battlefield and want m