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Search Results (139)
How do I get a live body at my residence to fix directv problems?
I've set up 3 appointments, no technician shows. Over 30 channels have problems and it's been four weeks. My problem was supposedly escalated multiple times, and each appointment day I call to find that a technician was never dispatched. Over ten calls and multiple live chats, to no avail. Wh
Watching DIRECTV
Firewall ports
Does any body know what firewall ports need to be open for onDemand to work/
Watching DIRECTV
help with setvice
no body answers customer setvice phone. i need assistance asap bc on hold 30 minutes.
DIRECTV Equipment
why in the (Edited per community guidelines) cant some body hook me up to what i am paying for
Kids deleting my stuff!
Can I password protect a recording??? If my kids delete my shows one more time there will be body parts missing!
DIRECTV Equipment
Well customer to consumer (Edited per community guidelines) you Shannon. Oompa Loompa body racist (Edited per community guidelines) yank.
Serena Williams
Direct tv I was watching the Serena commercial and I just realized that I’ve NEVER seen poc in their commercials. Good for Serena but can we cancel direct tv because its 2021 and you could have the decency to not be pathetic money eaters.
nomad vs slingbox
does any body know if nomad offers full functionality ie. watch live tv, or does it just let u download recorded shows to ur device
DIRECTV Equipment
The taxes are regulated to ATT by the local/state government. You should speak with someone in the government or taxation body in regards to taxes.
Question on Taxes
I contacted billing yesterday about a question on taxes and they said I would have to contact the taxing agency. This would lead me to a dead end, and in any case, someone at ATT, a programmer, has to be the one to change the calculation on my bill if the city or state changes my rate. That is the
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Your local regulating body (city, couty, zoning, permitting, etc.) SHOUYLD have that kind of information on file in their records. If you cxan't find that information yourself, a bonded company that does asset searches (which you typically need for
Utility Easement Restrictions
I have an AT&T utility easement in my back yard and wanted to know if I could have the specific restrictions as I am going to sell my house and want to have the answer for a potential buyer.
body { font-family: "Calibri","Slate Pro","sans-serif"; color:#262626 }Only because I share with my daughter - DVR in US - I Sling to Turkey...
Controlling second DVR with Slingbox
I got to DVRs from U-verse so that I could control one remotely via my Slingbox and watch the other in the home. I was able to isolate the signal so that I can control channels and normal viewing, but the DVR operation is combined for both DVRs (the recordings are stored together and two separate re
Sadly like many companies, they have so much trouble hiring good employees it can come down to getting a warm body to answer the phone/chat.
Horrible Company
This is a horrible company and the way they treat their customers is pathetic. My receiver is going bad and their solution is for me to buy a new receiver for $100 to pay for it. It is their equipment and nothing I did and they want me to pay for a new receiver. Go elsewhere
dcd, wont let me post i keep getting a message that the body of the item I submitted contains text that violates site guildelines. No idea why?
lose of WIFI with DirectTV
My DirectTV is connected to my netgear router via a DECA box. It was all installed by a professional DirectTV retailer in Colorado, US Digital. I will randomly lose my WiFi signal while the DECA is connected to my router. I can restore my WiFi if I disconnect the DECA from my router or I restart the
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
no sound then frozen picture
Every show I record will get 2/3 of the way through the show loose sound and immediately freeze and can't watch the rest of the show when started over it stops at same place every time, and its lost forever. Any body else have this problem.
Watching U-verse TV
Okay you are a 30 year AT&T retiree and opinions are your own. Was there a question or something here? I feel the body of the message is missing.
*I am an AT&T retired employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent AT&T's position, strategies or opinions.
install dish no signal
can any body help i had a new roof installed and i had to reinstall the dish i followed the setting to set the dish and there is no signal??
DIRECTV Equipment
Directv Modification for movers department
The phone number asociated with mover department is no longer available , does any body know the new phone number for Spanish customer ?? Previous phone was +1 (866) 838-9325
When I click on the link for "here" in the body of your reply, it opens a private message page and the first box, 'send to' needs a proper title or username to communicate with AT&T support. Please provide.
Reward card scam
Judging from the posts, I am not the only one taken in. There was supposed to be a $200 reward card for originally signing up. It never arrived. A phone call informed me that it took a couple of months to process....piffle. A second call resulted in an apology for no card and by way of recompens
I have the same problems and I was hoping to see the NCAA basketball Champioship game. But I does not seam that is going to happen. Does any body know of a better cable system besides Comcast?
Uverse TV freezing up ever few minutes and losing service !
My Uverse service has been working good. Then AT&T came and done some work on the line outside in the alley. Well after they done the work, my TV started freezing every few minutes and losing service sometimes. A repair man came and said it was the line outside, he replace my service line. Soon
It should repeat your post at the top of the page and put the problem part in italics. It can be weird. "Loop" was not allowed at one time. Every body was using l o o p.
Wireless multi-room sharing
I have three DVR's, one hard wired, one powerline, and one wireless. The hardwired and powerline can see each other and share no problem. The wireless cannot get internet access. Question: since I am using WEP security, wouldn't I need to input the password to enable the wireless DVR to access my ho
It partially worked, it controls volume down but not up. Any body know how to fix this?
9 years ago
to the conversation:
How to assign the volume buttons to my tuner
How do I assign the volume controls on the remote to the receiver/tuner/amplifier instead of the TV?