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Morning Joe recording issue
Recently, Morning Joe added a fourth hour. I had been recording it and the DVR recorded the entire 3 hrs show. Now it only records the final (fourth) hour even though the channel guide shows the entire 4hrs block with the series recording symbol. I deleted the series record on my DVR an
Community lounge
NCIS is not in the OP series manager. NCIS was canceled, the new series NCIS Origins starts in Oct.
NCIS episode keeps trying to download to genie
Genie HR54-700 - The last episode of the last season of NCIS keeps trying to record to my genie, but shows up with 0 minutes. If I click on it, I can watch the episode, but I've already seen it. NCIS is not showing up in my series manager, yet this episode keeps showing up. I can delete it, but it c
Thanks Joe for the suggestions. I've tried these and still no luck.
U-verse App Log In Issues
Since October 2021 I've not been able to log into my U-verse app. I receive an error message that says "That's not the User ID used to set up the account", which is incorrect. I've had the same user ID since 2006 and nothing has changed. When I use the "Forgot User ID" option, it provides me
Morning Joe Recording Twice
Hi, Every morning, I tape Morning Joe. It is on from 5am - 9am CST. The third and fourth hours (7-9) is just a repeat of the first two hours. Is there a way to just record the first two hours? I searched the help center, and I didn't see a solution. Thanks so much.
RE: SINCLAIR BROADCASTING I do not want to lose access to my ABC Network (WICS-ABC/Springfield, IL). Sinclair Broadcasting may trying to punish WICS viewers who expressed displeasure with the termination of Joe Crain in June. Still unhappy about t
I do not want to lose sinclair broadcasting
I live in Birmingham Alabama. I am requesting ATT to negotiate and complete the contract for Sinclair Programming. My favorite channel is with Sinclair and I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE THEIR CHANNELS!!! PLEASE RENEW SINCLAIR'S CONTRACT!
Not solved. Clicked the wrong thing. Computer joe is more of the tech speak from att not a solution.
Does anyone know what Domestic Off-net charges are?
Domestic Off-net Charges$24.00 0 minutes used Total Call Charges$24.00 Does anyone know what this means? $24.00 for 0 minutes Off-net charges? What if anything is that and my land line phone is basically just used to answer the door and buzz people into my building. I can't get AT&T to answer an
Surprised the MAGAts on this board didn't conspiracy theory up the sound and blame Joe Biden or liberals.
Directv Stream. Please turn the SOUND on FNC, Channel 360. Geez, you guys are having so many problems.
Exactly. Anybody who thinks (Edited per community guidelines) Joe won is mental (Edited per community guidelines) like him.
DIRECTV dropping OANN?
How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN? They do not lie! The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives! My husband and I will be
Watched Joe Buck's Interview at 8:00 pm Wednesday with Dereck Jeter and look forward to this Wednesday's interview with Jerry Johnson. Good Job
AT&T to Launch DirecTV’s Audience Network
AT&T to Launch DirecTV’s Audience Network By R. Thomas Umstead | September 30, 2015 "DirecTV’s exclusive Audience Network channel will be offered to AT&T U-Verse customers, the company said Wednesday [September 30,
You wouldn't want to connect anything to the Directv adapters, that is where all of your shared programming streams through. How did you connect your BluRay to the router previously? Cable is cheap if you could snake it throiugh your crawl space, b
MediaShare/Whole Home DVR & Ethernet
I currently have Whole Home DVR hard wired to my home PC. I had hoped to stream my home videos that are on my home PC through the Media Share functionality on my Directv receiver, but that didn't work. Either the videos weren't recognizeable (I have a whole bunch of iPhone videos, as well as some la
NFL Short Cuts available?
Are these 30-minute condensed games on NFL Sunday Ticket To-Go? If not, why not? Surely such an omission (if true) would be for a good reason. - Joe P
Watching DIRECTV
Sorry. One other thing. Leave old cable in place until ready to run the new one. You may be able to tie the new one to the old one and slowly and carefully snake it right behind the old one.
Long HDMI Cables Don't Work?
My TV is up over fireplace and I need 20' of HMDI to reach my setup. The tv recognizes that Directv Stream as the input but I'm getting 'no signal' trying several different cables/combination. With one config, I got it to work but with slight flickering. Using a short cable, it works fi
Why do you have to have the same commercials all the time I’m (Edited per community guidelines) sick of looking at Joe Namath about Medicare and car shield same old crap
What is the problem with INSP channel?
Constantly loosing satellite connection. When for example, Gunsmoke is taped, you only get a few minutes of each episode.
MSNBC Recording issue
Once again, DirecTV isn’t recording MSNBC on time. This happens at least twice a year. It’s only MSNBC, all of my other recordings are starting and stopping properly. Yesterday, every show started 27 minutes late. Today, it was 15 minutes late. I record Morning Joe on a season pass. Because of the
Watching DIRECTV
@Ludwick577 I was able to go into Morning Joe and bookmark it. However, neither the Series nor the specific Episode in my DVR list appears on the Bookmarks list. Is there a specific way you're bookmarking Morning Joe?
Bookmarks missing
I had 102 bookmarks just a couple of days ago, yes I counted because I was curious, then today a bunch are missing, I count 67 now. In the show's info page it shows a checkmark next to "Bookmarked". But those shows aren't in the list. I tried unbookmarking a couple of shows then rebookm
Well, trying Joe's suggestions of changing the settings on the tv itself worked. We had the tv set to "Game" instead of "Normal" like Joe said to do. Not sure why it was on "Game." Seems to be working fine now. Thanks everyone!
Help Installing VCR, stereo receiver, and DVD
Hello everyone! We had the AT&T tech out here on April 26 to install our U-Verse system. However, none of our components (i.e. VCR, DVD player, stereo receiver, or stereo speakers) were hooked up yet (they weren't unpacked). He just installed the AT&T receiver to our HDTV. We have a brand new Ph
So Joe from what I am understanding you're saying that I could have a total estimate of $20 from Government Fees,Taxes,Surcharges,and Other Fees which when combined with my $24.95 for my Internet comes roughly to $45, which would be the total on my m
Making Sense of My First Bill
Today I received in the mail a lot of mail from AT&T, one of them were papers one of which said "My Bill Estimate" I was wondering if anyone can help me make sense of the charges on My Bill Estimate Account Level Other Charges and CreditsOne-Time Charges and CreditsInternet Gateway $100.00Subcharges
spcash50, Directv is specifically advising folks such as yourself to not spend any money on your network at this time. Once the feature is mainstreamed, you'll be able to get those DVR's networked with a minimum of effort. If you want to just try the
I have a SWiM set up and 1 HR22 and 2 R22's. I have a secondary R22 networked. I know that since I have one receiver hooked up to the internet, with the SWiM it will do callbacks for all three receivers. My question is will MRV work the same way? Since I have one receiver networked will it transfer
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Joe Golden - Yes, it is set at normal. Change it to see if it looks like the problem. It may be changing sporadically due to IR corruption or a bug or hardware failure.I suppose the cause is moot. If the DVR is doing this call in to ask ythat it be r
Help with a Disturbing Problem
The picture on the TV attached to the DVR will get bigger then go back to normal (1080i). I have checked and rechecked the aspect ratio many times and all is OK there. I have other TV's in the house and they do have this problem but are connected via stb's. My DVR is one of the old ones, 117GB.
National Geographic On Demand is rather limited: Genius, Origins & Wicked Tuna. As stated, you've got a wider selection online.
8 years ago
to the conversation:
streaming national geographic channel
according to the national geographic website, there is some way to watch past episodes on uverse. I've followed the steps they call out but don't know how (or if) I can watch these things. The NG site says it's playing... but where... how? Do I have to have a smart tv for it to work?