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Red Cross in my tv screen
There is a Red Cross in my tv screen and nothing happens. Restarting it doesn’t help
U-verse TV Equipment
How do we watch Cross Country skiing on my TV and app? We paid for Peacock and we have DirecTV.
How do I watch Cross Country skiing on my TV and app? We paid for Peacock and we have DirecTV. Thanks ?
Watching DIRECTV
AT&T cross bored my sewer line
I have had a camera placed into my sewer line for back ups and there is a utility line through it. i have had the flags placed in my yard and the ATT line runs right through the sewer line where the blockage is. I have had to jet my sewer line multiple times. I have attempted to contact the region
U-verse TV Account
Whole house reboot: So far, so good....let's cross our fingers, burn some sage and say a prayer.
Do I need a new wireless box?
The wireless STB in the LR keeps freezing and won't allow the 1 hour pause function. I'll pause it and within minutes, I get the "jumped to live TV" message. I've restarted it numerous times and it's still doing the same thing. The DVR is OK. The other STB is OK. It's just
That did not even cross my mind. All good. Thanks for the help, you ROCK......
Update is on screen , what to di
A message on the screen says update with choices: shoe details, update later, update now. I want to update now. What should I do?
Thanks for your help. Unfortunately when I do a search nothing comes up for cross country skiing.
How do we watch Cross Country skiing on my TV and app? We paid for Peacock and we have DirecTV.
How do I watch Cross Country skiing on my TV and app? We paid for Peacock and we have DirecTV. Thanks ?
Removing the crossed out symbol from playlist
there are titles in my Genie DVR playlist that are marked (FAMILY) but those are crossed out and unwatchble for me. My mother lives with me and she recorded these particular shows and movies. I'd like to watch them too. She has a Genie mini in her bedroom and we have a standard HD reciever in t
DIRECTV Equipment
And this is when I cross my fingers and hope: RedZone to Sports Pack RedZone staying AWAY from U-450 exclusive
Programming Changes for March
A lot of apps are going away on May 1st. Notice Appearing in USA Today on March 20, 2018 AT&T's contracts with programmers for the content displayed on U-verse TV service periodically expire, or may be terminated, but are usually re-negotiated or extended with no interruption or change for our U-ver
two billing accounts are somehow crossed
I have a Wireless account and a Uverse account - I have a current Uverse bill due of $106.02 and AT&T says there is a billing probem with my payment method - but when I go on line to try and fix it, up comes my Wirelss account which says I owe nothing - but no trace of the Uverse account.
U-verse TV Account
I did have a coax cable and it was loose. cross my fingers and hope this solve my problem.
why do I get lost signal and get a screen with number steps?
Why do I get a lost signal screen with the number steps on my TV sometimes ?
Ever cross your mind there are people who are dyslectic & others who suffer from mental illness? This is a very inconsiderate comment.
Direct TV Fraudulent Charges on Your Bill
Just found out the Direct TV has been charging me 8 access fees every month. I only have 5 TVs!! I have been on the phone for over 2 hours trying to get this resolved. I talked to Leslie to confirm the active genies in my home. She confirmed that Direct TV has been charging me an additional $21/m
Hello @JohnyDoe , Your post has been cross posted in another topic. As per AT&T community guidelines the other post will be deleted. Regards, AT&T Moderator
DIRECTV App work while moving?
We are getting to start an extensive move and remodal project on a house we will eventually be moving into. All our stuff is going into storage once this starts... does anyone know if the Directv app will still work for streaming on devices like tablets/phone/etc if your receiver & dish are not
Could be a bad power adapter but just to dot the i's and cross the t's try connecting it directly to the wall socket instead of the power strip.
Followed all restart instructions; power to all units of power strip but no power to U-verse wireless tv box near tv. Just went out. Other tv’s working also wireless. Just one tv in den no power lights to box.
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Please Go Green AT&T!!
I currently have AT&T Uverse and Internet service, but still get mailers from AT&T constantly. AT&T should cross verify current customer addresses with solicitation mailings. Time to Go Green AT&T!!
U-verse TV Account
In order to avoid board clutter and confusion, we ask that you please refrain from cross and double posting. Please check here for responses to your inquiry. Thank you.
Top Secret "Facility Issue" Outage
I placed a online order for Uverse in the end of September during a special promotion. The online promotion went through, credit check and everything, and even being required to give a credit card so AT&T could charge my credit card every month. (Personally, thats fine. When they over charge, I
I have a communication pole laying in the roadway. This is in the 9400 block of Geddes Road in Saginaw Michigan 48609. The cross roads are Kenelly to N. Thomas in Thomas Township.
How do I report a fallen phone line?
I am not an AT&T customer but the telephone line between the poles behind my house has fallen and will break soon. How do I report it to AT&T so they can fix it?
Thank you, Chris! I just sent an email to the link. Hopefully some actions taken soon! Cross your fingers for me, I'll let you know if I have any other questions if that's ok
Split Payment Problem
Saturday, March 26, 2016, around midnight I got off work and went to make A PAYMENT ONLINE using my phone. I specifically put in a split payment to pay $20.00 then and the rest ($28.49) next friday. Well i just got an email with a confirmation saying it took both payment outs at the same time. I can
Got ya. Thanks! Hopefully I won't have to cross that bridge.
7 years ago
to the conversation:
Wireless receiver: "U-verse is not available at this time; try again later."
So a few days ago I noticed my tv, with the wireless receiver, had nothing (problem could've started over a week ago as I don't watch that tv daily). Other receivers are working fine. I've restarted, replugged, reset, for everything in-line, and nothing works. What I think could be happening is a